Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 14:52:04 -0600 From: "Piatt, Darrell G."Subject: Area 6 Report To: "'r3-excom'" IEEE Region 3 Area 6 Report January 15, 1998 Mississippi Section No report Northeast Mississippi Subsection Limited activity - The Subsection has officers and a review of the programs in place will be conducted. Huntsville Section The Section has just installed new officers with Haik Biglari now serving as chairman. The level of activity is nominal . The annual Computer Fair will be held on February 27 - 28, 1998 and an GOLD program has been initiated. Mobile Section No report Alabama Section The Section has a good level of activity with monthly meetings, monthly technical society meetings and an award winning GOLD program. Montgomery Subsection The Subsection has a nominal level of activity with monthly meetings. They are working on plans to grow the attendance as well as the level of activity. Since I was late in asking Perry Wheless for the names and addresses of the section chairpersons I was unable to contact every section and get a report. I look forward to working with each of you during the coming year. Darrell