(logo)    Area 7 (SC Council) Report

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 14:33:30 -0500 (EST)
From: DaveHulett 
Subject: Area 7, SC council report
To: r3-excom1998@ieee.org
Organization: AOL (https://www.aol.com)

To: Region 3 Excom
From: David H. Hulett
Subject: Area 7, SC Council Report

The Council has had a change in officers as of 1/1/1998. The officer slate is:
        1. David H. Hulett - Chair
        2. Adib Chebli - Vice chair
        3. Jerry Freck - Treasurer
        4. Allen Thomas - Secretary (acting)

The council is focusing on a joint engineering conference in Columbia, SC on
March 13, 1998. The requirement for PDH's in South Carolina for Registered
engineers will begin in July. This will hopefully develop into vehicle to
provide excellent training courses.

The goals for the council are in the process of being developed for this year.
However, we have two sections that have been are struggling due to key
industry / military downsizing. One of the goals of the council will be to
work with the Coastal Carolina and Central Savannah River sections to
revitalize these entities.

The South Carolina Council is planning a student paper contest for Area 7
members to be held at the Swearingen Engineering center on the campus of the
University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC on Saturday February 15, 1998 at
10 AM. Any and all are invited to attend to hear some excellent papers. 

I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Savannah,

David H. Hulett
South Carolina Council Chair

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Last Modified: 16-Jan-1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.