Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 10:07:00 -0500 (EST) From: "Hill, Donald W"Subject: Area 8 Report To: Region 3 Excomm 98 Cc: "Cole, Joe (U of L)" , "Kirkpatrick, Kevin P." , "'West, Elwood'" , "Parr, John (Area 8 chair 98)" , "Priddy, Wayne W (Paducah)" Greetings, We welcome John Parr as the new Area 8 Chair for 1998. Members can reach John at or Evansville, Louisville, and Lexington continue to have successful programs for their members. Paducah is still in a transition from stalled to active with the help of Wayne Priddy and other members in the area. We will continue to encourage student involvement and GOLD member activities in the coming year. I would like to thank all members that helped make my job easier in Area 8.