Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 10:12:34 -0600 From: "Lea G. Brothers"Subject: GOLD Report To: To: Region 3 Executive Committee Fr: Lea Brothers, 1998 Region 3 GOLD Representative Sb: GOLD Report Dt: January 13, 1998 The Alabama Section GOLD Committee won the Outstanding GOLD Program Award for 1997!! Yea, Alabama GOLD! We are so excited about it. Alabama put forth a great deal of effort in GOLD in 1997, including a Membership Drive, College & Career Day, Two Technical Tours, and mentoring activities at high school, college, and career levels. Details on these activities are highlighted in the January issue of "The Institute". In 1998, Alabama GOLD is planning to tour the Alabama Power Testing Facility in Shelby County and the Mercedes Plant in Vance, Alabama. The Mercedes tour will cost $4.00 per person and GOLD will cover the cost. In addition to our GOLD members, we will be inviting students in Electrical Engineering from the surrounding Universities to join us on these tours. We plan on treating our Alabama GOLD members to a Barons Baseball Game in the Spring to celebrate our Outstanding GOLD Program Award. That’ll be fun! I have acquired a list of the Section Chairs and Student Activities persons for the 43 areas in Region 3. This information came in a text format that I am converting to a database for easier administration. I will be in contact with these areas to get communication between GOLD Committees flowing and establishing GOLD Committees where needed. I think a key element will be trading ideas that worked and didn’t work between the areas. The big area of interest seems to be the unveiling of employment opportunities in the Section’s area. Most engineers only recognize the obvious Electrical Engineering jobs. The tours are a wonderful way to see engineering opportunities in various fields. IEEE doesn’t really focus in this area. Engineers with 15 - 20 years of service with one company have too much to lose to consider changing jobs. However, with GOLD it is a great topic of interest with students and employees with 5 - 10 years of service. Please contact me if you have suggestions or people I should contact. I can be reached at 205-982-2343,, or I'm looking forward to working with everyone on the committee in 1998.