Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 07:37:29, -0500 From: ( ROBERT S DUGGAN JR) Subject: SPC Report to ExCom To: -- [ From: Robert S. Duggan, Jr. * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] -- Subject: SPC Report to ExCom 14 January 1998 To: Reg 3 ExCom From: Bob Duggan, SPC Chair Subj: Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) Report The SPC will be meeting 1/17, but here are some of our activities being planned. In late 1997 the 1998 Region 3 Goals and Objectives were drafted for approval at the 1/17-18 ExCom meetings. In 1998 we will also be addressing the 1998 Institute's Strategies for the Future, and assuring that our Region 3's Strategic Plan (and our Goals and Objectives) compliment each other. Our Mentors for most Region 3 Committees will be publicized to provide advice and assistance to the several committees, and to help assure greater committee effectiveness. Last year SPC was asked to revise the Operations Manual. Vernon Powers has done an outstanding job in doing this. We all owe him a strong vote of thanks. -- Robert S. (Bob) Duggan, Jr. <> <>