Area 4 - Florida Council Report

    Florida Council (Area 4) Report
    To the Region 3 Excom
    APRIL 24, 1998

The most import news to report is the very successful Southcon '98. Carl 
Hussey and his minions did a great job. If you did not attend, you should 
kick yourself. I found the exhibits very informative and the show was well 
populated at the times I was there. All of the exhibitors I spoke with were 
also very pleased and told me they already had plans to attend the next 
Southcon. An important business meeting in Denver kept me from attending the 
opening day keynote breakfast, but I am pleased to report that David Smith 
and Rusty Riegert, with some students from ERAU, responded to my plea and 
filled the FCIEEE table. The Southcon staff managed to have prominent signs 
at the entrances to the other shows at the conference center encouraging 
folks to visit Southcon as well. This was a stroke of genius.

There have been no Florida Council meetings since the Savannah region meeting 
so there has not been much activity to report. We have succeeded at getting 
our web site re-started on an IEEE server:
Many of our sections have also located their sites on this server as well. 
Let me thank Dorrell Shirley and any of you who may have worked with him on 
this job. Well done.

I am reminding all of my sections to set aside funds for Sections Congress 
next year. I have written a short article for Dan Jackson that I hope will 
raise enthusiasm for this important event. After our council meeting at 
SECon, I should have more substance to offer.

Respectfully Submitted,

Butch Shadwell, Chairman
Florida Council of the IEEE