Region 3
Conference Committee Minutes
Orlando, FL - April 25, 1998
1. The Chair, Jim Howard, opened the meeting at 10:00am, after which each of the attendees introduced themselves.
2. Report of Conferences
2.1 Southeastcon 96 - Still tying to put together their final report.
2.2 Southeastcon 97- No Report
2.3 Southeastcon 98 - The 1998 Southeastcon conference had 246 early registrations, of these 220 were full registrations. On Friday, April 24, 1998 they had 130 on site registration of which most were students.
2.4 Southeastcon 99 - Will be held in Louisville, KY and is well on its way. They handed out a Call for Paprs at the 1998 Southeastcon, and asked that all Sections in the Region run an article in their newsletters about this call. For their hardware competition they have already produced a working car and are having the rules reviewed and approved at this conference in at Southeastcon 1998.
2.5 Southeastcon 00 - The 2000 Will be held in Nashville, TN. Plans are progressing for their conference.
2.6 Southcon 98 - The show was held in Orlando, Florida. They had 197 revenue booths and the attendance seemed to be higher than in the past couple of shows.
2.7 Southcon 99 - The 99 show is proposed for Atlanta and is being worked on by the Southcon Board.
2.8 NCSE - The North Carolina Council is very interested in keeping this conference alive and running. They intend to hold this conference again this year (1998). The date is planned for September and they will be holding a council meeting on June 5th to work out the details. Charlotte will be the host Section for this conference. At the 1997 NCSE they had 120 for the one day conference.
2.9 JAMCON - The Jamcon 1998 conference has been canceled. No further details are available.
3. Committee Goals/Actions:
3.1Vice-Chair of the Committee - No Volunteer
3.2 The goals for the Conference Committee were discussed at their meeting on April 25,1 998. We will continue to follow up on these and report on each one as progress is made.
Each of the Area/Council corresponding members gave an update about what conferences are occurring in their area.
Migration of Conference Registration Members.Non-Member differential towards the base IEEE dues.
The committee discussed this issue of registration fees as related to member benefits. Everyone felt we should try to make the differential show the true benefits of being an IEEE member.
New Business
5.1 A bid for Southestcon 2001 was received from the Piedmont section. There was general discussed about the proposal including the addition of the Region 3 meeting and the cost differential of member vs. Non-member. A motion was made and seconded to accept this bid. The motion passed unanimously.
6. Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Conference Committee will be held at the Region 3 Excom. Mtg scheduled for October 24-25, 1998 in Jackson, Mississippi.
Meeting adjourned at 11:42am.