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Date: April 21, 1998
To: Region 3 Executive Committee
Cc: Region 3 Section Chairs
Cc: David Green, Region 3 Secretary
From: Richard L. Riddle, Region 3 Director-Elect
Subject: Report to Region 3 Meeting April 25-26, 1998

I feel sure that all of the Region 3 Committees have appointed
a Vice Chair and that I have just not been informed of who they
are. As published in the Region 3 Newsletter - Winter 1998 
Issue, one of the 1998 goals for Region 3 is to "develop strong 
Vice Chairs for each Regional Committee to facilitate 
continuity of Region leadership through a systematic succession
program." Our report card so far shows that three out of eight 
Regional Standing Committees have appointed Vice Chairs. Bill 
Harrison, Chair of the Membership Development Committee has 
appointed Marvin Neiditz as Vice Chair; Don Hill, Chair of the
Professional Activities Operations Committee has appointed Dave
Hulett; and Pat Donohoe, Chair of the Student Activities 

Committee has appointed Bruce Walcott as Vice Chair. The other 
five Standing Committees have not let me know who they have 
appointed as Vice Chair. I hope that they will do this during 
their report at the Region 3 Caucus on April 25th. One bright 
spot, John Parr, Chair of Area 8 (Kentucky) has appointed 
Steven Bryant as Vice Chair. No word as yet from Area 3 
(Georgia), Area 6 (AL, MS), and Area 9 (Jamaica). I am sure 
that the Area 1 (VA Council), Area 2 (NC Council), Area 4 
(FL Council), Area 5 (TN Council), and Area 7 (SC Council) have
Vice Chairs and can tell us who they are at the Region 3 Caucus.

I apologize for not knowing the names of Council officers but 
I am having a problem locating that information. I look 
forward to seeing you all at SoutheastCon '98. 

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Last Modified: 20 April 1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.