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by Jerry Goerz, Chair, on April 17, 1998


The Lexington KY Section has 471 active members. Of these, 87 are students. About 25 of the nonstudent members participate in Section activities. The University of Kentucky Student Branch reports through the Lexington Section. About 30 of the student members participate in Student Branch activities.


Lexington Section members are employed by the University of Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky University, DataBeam, East Kentucky Power, Kentucky Utilities, Kentucky Educational Television, Hughes Aircraft, Khulman, Lexair, Lexmark, 3M, Sylvania, Toyota, Texas Instruments, Versa Tech, IBM, Kentucky State Government, Mas-Hamilton, Sargent and Greenleaf, Cypress Semiconductor, and others. Many of these employers support the IEEE by paying all or part of the membership dues of their employees, paying for travel and meals for IEEE events, hosting tours, providing prizes and prize money for the Student Paper Contest, and providing meeting places.


The Lexington Section's Executive Committee consists of five officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Past-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer), the Student Branch chairperson, and eight volunteers (Student ctivities Chair, Membership Chair, Awards Chair, Professional ctivities Chair, Newsletter Editor, Database Manager, Southeastcon '99 Chair, Carnahan Conference Co-host Chair). Two volunteer positions (Educational Activities Chair, Advertising Manager) have been vacant this year. We have not yet begun a Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) program, but doing so could boost participation.


The Lexington Section co-hosts the IEEE Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, which will be held in Alexandria VA on October 12-14 and is chaired by Larry Sanson from our Section.

The Lexington Section and UK Student Chapter will host Southeastcon '99, which will be held in Lexington on March 25-29 next year and is chaired by Don Hill from our Section.


Since Southeastcon '97, the Lexington Section held eight meetings, of which seven were technical and one was administrative:

1) a technical presentation about television broadcasting, with a tour of Kentucky Educational

Television on April 24, 1997;

2) an awards dinner and election of officers on May 15, 1997;

3) a technical presentation about high-voltage isolation of telecom circuits, with a tour of

Noramco on September 18, 1997;

4) a technical presentation about telephone line sharing and control products, with a tour of

Multi-Link on October 23, 1997;

5) a video presentation about the composition and printing of a newspaper, with a tour of the

Lexington Herald-Leader on November 20, 1997;

6) a tour of the University of Kentucky Medical Center's physical plant on December 11, 1997;

7) attended, judged and awarded prizes at the Student Paper Contest on February 5, 1998; and

8) a technical presentation about noninvasive brain surgery using gamma rays, with a tour of the

Gamma Knife at the UK Medical Center on March 26, 1998.

These meetings are usually held on Thursday evenings and include an optional dinner. Attendance ranged from 9-15 and averaged 11 persons, including guests.

The UK Student Chapter held five additional meetings:

1) an administrative meeting on September 5, 1997;

2) an administrative meeting on October 6, 1997;

3) a technical presentation titled "Bluegrass Silicon Valley" by Cypress Semiconductor on

November 17, 1997;

4) an excellent Student Paper Contest with five contestants on February 5, 1998; and

5) an election of officers on March 27, 1998.

Also, representatives of the Student Chapter participated in a Leadership Workshop in Nashville in October, 1997. The Student Activities Chair, Bruce Walcott, taught half of that class.


Since Southeastcon '97, the Lexington Section has published six bimonthly newsletters. Each newsletter is one sheet, double-sided, trifold, containing a review of the previous meetings, announcement of upcoming meetings, other announcements, and a complete listing of EXCOMM members and their phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.


The Lexington Section announces all meetings by e-mail to over 160 members who have advised us of their e-mail addresses. This permits advance notice of meetings and also permits a timely reminder just before each meeting. We also recruited EXCOMM volunteers, Science Fair judges, and Engineers' Day volunteers by e-mail. Our EXCOMM and SEC99 work is now done mostly by e-mail with fewer meetings.

The volume of "unofficial" e-mail is substantial and will soon require a volunteer to handle it. For example, employment recruiters send us long job descriptions by e-mail, which are forwarded only to members who reply to a summary. The 5-page weekly Triangle Coalition Electronic Bulletin, which is sent to all Section Chairs, is edited to delete inclusion marks, and is then distributed by e-mail to a K-12 Education special interest group of mostly Lexington Section members.


The UK Student Chapter is on the Internet at https://www.engr.uky.edu/student.orgs/IEEE/ieee.html


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Last Modified: 20 April 1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.