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Miami Section Report to the

Florida Council and Region 3 Spring Meetings

April 24-26, 1998

Orlando, Florida

Osama A. Mohammed, Miami Section Chairman

1. Elections were held in early December, 1997 and the new officers for the Miami Section (Jan 1, 1998- Dec. 31, 1998] are as follows:

Osama Mohammed, Chair

Nand Tripathi, Vice Chair

Sylvia Mergui, Secretary/Treasurer

Most of the society chapter officers and committee chairs remained in office.

2. All section reports for 1997 (officer's report, financial report and activities reports) were submitted to headquarters on time.

3. Several technical activities have already been conducted since January 1998 as reported by our society chapter chairs. PES, Communication, IAS and Computer Societies have already conducted one technical meeting each.

4. In addition to a technical meeting sponsored by the section on January 28, 1998 , another technical activity that featured the video lectures, Discover Engineering! Engineers Turning Ideas into Reality, teleconference on Wednesday, February 25, 1998. This event was well received and many have asked that it be repeated. We received videotape of the event and will show it in a future technical activity this summer.

5. The Miami section celebrated the engineer's week with technical, professional and social activities. A technical lecture held at Florida International University on the utilization of information technologies in engineering education. A field trip was arranged to the FPL transformer shop. A well attended picnic on the Saturday of the Engineers week. During the picnic, several sporting events took place and awards were given to participants who won tournaments. These engineers' week activities were the contributions of IEEE Miami section to the weeklong celebrations. Several other engineering society chapters participated in the events with their portions of the schedule. These included the Florida Engineering Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, Industrial Engineers and Civil Engineers. These celebrations were really festive and many junior high and high school kids were invited through special programs.

6. The Miami section sponsored along with NASA/Kennedy Space Center as well as several companies and organizations in the Miami area, a competition at Homestead Middle School to honor the students who won the model airplane, poster, and essay competition as well as their teachers in a family day event. The section provided $200.00 in two awards given to teachers. The certificates featured the IEEE Miami section's name and the new IEEE logo with the networking the world slogan.

7. The student activities committee conducted several meetings with the students participating in the hardware competition at the Southeastcon'98. Membership drives were arranged three times already since January. The student branches seen an increase in IEEE STUDENT MEMBERSHIP in the Miami Section than in the previous several years. Many student activities were discussed.

8. The section will continue its participation in more activities that will enhance the electrical and computer engineering profession as well as activities that involve the community, students and deal with issues of concern to the membership.


Professor Osama A. Mohammed, Ph.D
1998 IEEE Miami Section Chair
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Room EAS-3967
Florida International University
Miami, Florida 33199 USA
Tel: +1 (305) 348-3040 (Office)
Fax: +1 (305) 348-3707 (Office)
Tel: +1 (305) 348-3918 (Lab)
e-mail: mohammed@eng.fiu.edu
Web Site URL: https://aln1.eng.fiu.edu/

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Last Modified: 20 April 1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.