(logo)     Section Congress '99 Coordinator Report

18 April 1998                          10:30am EDT

TO:       David G. Green, Region 3 Secretary

COPY:     Region 3 Executive Committee
          Region 3 Section Chairs

FROM:     Daniel W. Jackson, Region 3
          Sections Congress Coordinator

SUBJECT:  Report for April 25-26, 1998 Meeting


                           SECTIONS CONGRESS '99

                            October 8-11, 1999

                         Minneapolis Hilton Hotel
                          Minneapolis, Minnesota

                             Daniel W. Jackson
                     Sections Congress '99 Coordinator

It is now time to be planning for the sixth triennial Sections Congress to
be hosted by the Twin Cities Section of Minneapolis and St. Paul.  As in
the past, each Section is expected to pay part of the expenses of its
primary delegate's estimated on-site ground expenses of $ 750.  Don't let
money be an excuse for not sending some one.  Region 3 and the Regional
Activities Board will furnish funds to assist the Sections with airfare and
part of the on-site expenses but each Section must do its part as well. For
more information contact Dan Jackson at: phone (540) 774-0484, e-mail:

Don't let your Section miss out.  In fact, send a GOLD member as well.
Let's have all 43 Region 3 Sections represented in 1999.  Get your plans in


Earlier this month I sent an e-mail message to the Region 3 Executive
Committee and the Region 3 Section Chairs containing an action item on
the funding to be provided by Region 3 to assist the Sections in sending
delegates to Sections Congress '99.  As there were no objections to the
proposal I will not repeat it here, but will ask for approval at the
Region 3 meeting, April 26, 1998.  I will have copies of the SC'99
Preliminary Information sheet available at the Region 3 Committee meeting.

Following is a testimonial from Butch Shadwell about his experience at
Sections Congress '93 and '96.  Perhaps this will encourage all of the
Section chairs to make sure their Section is represented in 1999 in


I have been an active IEEE member for over twenty years.  To be sure,
I have found many valuable facets to my membership, but none has had a
more profound impact on my understanding of what it means to be a part
of this noble profession than attending the Sections Congresses in Puerto
Rico and Denver.

I have always been impressed with the quality of people I meet at IEEE
functions, but I was unprepared to find that the level of quality was
unencumbered by international borders.  It was an uplifting experience to
meet engineers from all over the globe with whom there was an immediate
sense of partnership.  Not only because our educational and professional
histories had so much in common, but also to learn that our individual
wants and concerns were the same.  Meetings like this are the stuff that
the future is made of, and the IEEE provides an invaluable service by
facilitating it.

Sections Congress is such a large group of professionals that you are
virtually guaranteed you will meet other engineers with similar interests.
It was also very interesting for me to discuss problems in section
operation with people from other countries experiencing similar problems.
There were many discussions of standards that impact our business on a
global basis as well.

If you get an opportunity to represent your section at Sections Congress,
don't let it get away.  It will definitely be an experience that will
enhance your career and your person.

Butch Shadwell

Daniel W. Jackson                  email: d.jackson@ieee.org
5704 Castle Rock Road, SW        Prodigy: GDQU77A
Roanoke, VA 24018-6106             phone: (540) 774-0484

Sections Congress'99, Region 3 Coordinator
Region 3 Educational Activities Committee, Mentor
Region 3 Leadership Development Committee, Member
Region 3 Strategic Planning Committee, Member

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Last Modified: 20 April 1998
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.