Strategic Planning Report
19 April 1998
To: David G. Green, Reg. 3 Secretary
CC: Reg. 3 ExCom
Reg. 3 Section Chairs
From: Robert S. Duggan, Chair, Reg. 3 Strategic Planning
Subj: Report for April 25-26 Meeting
The Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) met on 1/17 in Savannah and will
meet again in Orlando on 4/24.
Composed of past Region 3 Directors, the SPC has many years of IEEE
service among its members. One way of sharing this vast experience is
by providing mentors to the several Reg. 3 committees. At its meeting
on 1/17 the following mentors were assigned for 1998 to the committees:
Awards & Recognition Deborah Powers
Communications Jim Beall
Conference Roy Harris
Education Activities Dan Jackson
Finance David Conner
Membership Development Reed Thompson
Professional Activities Vernon Powers
Student Activities Dave McLaren
The SPC is also responsible for preparing the Reg. 3 Strategic Plan in
accordance with the plans of the IEEE and of the Regional Activities
Board (RAB). This is a specific focus at our meeting on 4/25, now that
the IEEE and RAB plans have been published.
Other areas of SPC concern are the maintenance of the Reg. 3 Operations
Manual, advising the Director on various problem areas such as funding
for the Sections Congress and the National Scout Jamboree, and such
other tasks as may be assigned by the Reg. 3 Director.
Decisions and/or recommendations from our 4/25 meeting will be reported
at the subsequent Region meetings on 4/25-26.
Bob Duggan, SPC Chair
Robert S. (Bob) Duggan, Jr.