Necessary and authorized travel expenses associated with Regional Activities will be reimbursed in accordance with policy and limitations specified herein.
Necessary and authorized includes travel which is required in support of regional activities and objectives and which has been authorized by the Regional Director and/or the Regional Executive Committee. This is generally limited to attendance at Regional Committee meetings. Regional Executive Committee meetings, Area/Council Chairs and Regional Committee Chairs in carrying out their responsibilities.
Reimbursement as covered below will be made upon submission of appropriate IEEE travel expense voucher (Form A-95) to the Region 3 Delegate/Director within 30 days of the incurred expenses, accompanied by evidence of payment, such as hotel statements, travel ticket stubs, etc. on the following basis: (original copies of receipts are required unless expenses are being shared by others, in which case copies of receipts accompanied by an explanation of expense sharing will be accepted.)
Under extenuating circumstances the Region 3 Delegate/Director is authorized to approve expenses which vary from the above provided a written request showing justification for such variance is submitted in advance of incurring the expense.
All members authorized to travel on any IEEE activity are asked to seek the support of their employer for travel expenses and to request reimbursement from IEEE only when such support cannot be obtained.
Updated: 3/1/1998 David Green