Winston-Salem Section Report
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 11:28:28 -0400
Subject: Winston-Salem Section Report, 1997
Monroe Cowan, Chair
April 7, 1998
169 members, typically 15 in attendance at evening meetings. Retirees make
up about half of our active members.
The AMP Corporation and the Department of Medical Engineering of the
Bowman Gray Sschool of Medicine are the major employeers of IEEE members
here and we have active participation from both.
Eight meetings/year. We meet in the evenings six times each year for
either a technical presentation or tour. These meetings are preceeded by a
either a dinner or "make your own sandwich" buffet.
Once each Spring and Fall we meet at the School of Medicine for a
lunchtime meeting with the Section providing pizza and softdrinks. The
speaker is usually someone associated with the Department of Engineering
and attendance is over 30, about half IEEE members.
We awarded two $250 scholarships to students of Forsyth Technical
Community College during Engineer's Week in 1997 and 1998. The students
were selected by the faculty of the Computer Engineering and Engineering
Technology programs for academic excellence. Funding was from NCSE 1995
which was underwritten by the AMP Corporation and represented our share of
the surplus. We have hopes that the AMP Corporation will continue to fund
this effort through our Section. We recently toured Forsyth Tech with our
members and have stated that we would support them in their effort to
establish a Student Chapter.
Forsyth Tech offers only a two year Associates Degree, and most of the
students are older than the average undergraduate and most work full time.
A few come directly from high school and a few of the best of these will
transfer to a four year college, but it is only the rare student that will
attempt to get a degree in Engineering. These students are training to be
technicians, not engineers, a field that our community needs and that we
feel deserves our support.