From: Butch Shadwell [] Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 5:37 PM To: Subject: FL Council Report To: IEEE Region 3 Executive Committee Subject: FL Council Report for October 1998 From: Butch Shadwell, Chair Date: October 21, 1998 The Florida Council has had two meetings to date that have been fairly well attended. We met at SECon and once again on 19 September, also in Orlando. We have taken a position to try to minimize expenses, as our principal source of funding has been declining of late. Meetings are scheduled to meet specific needs as much as possible. A special training session has been arranged for November 21 at the request of the section chairs present at the last council meeting. If I get information that this session will have an inordinate travel expense associated with it, I will request funding from Special Projects to help defray the cost. Jim Beall has generously agreed to serve as the main instructor for this training. I hope that we get some of our attendees to also take advantage of the Student Chapter training that will be held at the same time in the same building by Pat Donohoe. In the last two years I have been making a concerted effort to visit all of the sections in the state. I call it my "Section Trek". I have been able to provide technical programs to student chapter and section meetings on these occasions. I recommend this program highly to the other area and council chairs, as a way to help less rebust sections feel a part of the larger organization. Our council elects new officers at the end of each calendar year. If I am not selected to serve another year as the Florida Council chair, I wish to express my pleasure at having had this opportunity to contribute at the region level. I found it to be universally true, that active members of the IEEE are some of the best people in the world. Respectfully submitted, Butch Shadwell (904)223-4465