Report to Region 3 Executive Committee: Area 8 Activities

Steve Bryant, Vice Chair

Louisville Section

The Louisville Section is having a successfully year in 1998. The section sponsored technical, administrative, and social meetings in an effort to bring together the IEEE members in the surrounding area. In addition, the Louisville Section presented the awards to outstanding electrical engineering students, provided financial support to the university of Louisville IEEE Student Branch, and provided judges for local science fairs. The annual summer picnic, the baseball game with Louisville Redbirds, as well as the meeting with the Antique Radio Society was well attended. This gave members an opportunity to renew old acquaintances. We are hoping to add another Student Branch at ITT Technical Institute, Louisville, and also to add a chapter of the Power Engineering Society.

This Fall, we have two section meetings scheduled: a tour of the Kentucky Association of Electrical Cooperatives, and a lecture by Jim Chishem, CEO of NTR.NET. The December Christmas dinner meeting promises to be interesting with the guest speaker being Tom Jurich, the new Athletic Director of the University of Louisville.

Respectfully Submitted,

C.R. Davis

IEEE Chairman

Louisville Section


Evansville Section

Here are some of the key items from our section for last year and our

Plans for this year.

* 1997-1998 election results:

Chair: Chris Brack

Vice-chair: Paul Kuban

Sectretary: Jesse Crooks

Treasurer: Richard Siler

Program Director: Chad Hammack

Newsletter Editor: Chad Hammack

*1997-1998 meeting topics:

Field Bus Applications

New Internet Technologies

Financial Planning Overview

The Year 2000 Bug

*1997-1998 Support Activities

Provided substantial financial assitance to the University

of Evansville for a joint dinner and celebration of Black History

Month and National Engineers Week. United States Congressman

John Hostetler was the main speaker and guest of honor.

Also provided support to the U of E IEEE student section for

their participation in the Southeast Competion.

* 1998-1999 election results:

Chair: Paul Kuban

Vice-chair: Chris Brack

Sectretary: Jesse Crooks

Treasurer: Richard Siler

Program Director: Paul Kuban

Newsletter Editor: Chris Brack

*1998-1999 meeting topics:

Electric Utility Deregulation

The History of Vampires and The REAL Count Dracula

Social outing at "The Funny Bone" comedy club

*1997-1998 Support Activities

USI student section Southeast Competition

Respectfully Submitted,

Paul Kuban

IEEE Chairman

Evansville Section


Lexington Section

No report submitted.