IEEE Region 3
Communications Committee Report
January 30, 1999
Information has become the basis for the new world economy. It is now estimated that 40% of all new business development goes into information systems technology. You can see evidence of this investment in your company and community by the large numbers of computers, networks and telecom systems that it takes to connect us together. Sometimes this technology comes back to haunt us as in the Year 2000 problem but that is the subject of another column. My point is that all of this technology that electrical engineers has given the world is nothing unless we make creative use of the language and information that we push through our connected world. In Region 3 we now have a BBS, e-mail distribution lists and a Web Page. We also have a number of newsletters that bring focus to local activities.
During 1999 I would like to challenge the membership in Region 3 to make increased use of these channels to share information. Examples of this information could include,
- IEEE Meetings and Conferences
- Educational classes
- Career issues and especially opportunities
- Outside issues that affect EE's
- EE successes that the world needs to know about
- Information that needs a fast reaction from the membership
Yes, you can argue that this information already goes out to the membership, but often it is hard to find or goes to a selected distribution or gets lost. I would like to hear feedback from you on how you receive IEEE information and if you think the process works. I also realize that not all of us have equal access and training in art of communications. To help us reach our communications potential, we need to share better what we all know. One step in this process will be to collect your inputs and develop documentation, training and tools. I could even envision a training program during Southeastcon complete with tools and workshops. Please let me know what you think. I'm looking forward to your ideas and help.
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