From: Perry Wheless [] Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 9:42 PM To: David Green Cc: Subject: Educational Activities Report to R3 ExCom 1/99
To: David Green cc: Region 3 ExCom
From: Perry Wheless
Subject: Educational Activities report to R3 ExCom 1/99
Dr. Atef Elsherbeni of the Electrical Engineering Department at Ole Miss joined the committee as Vice-Chair, with primary responsiblity for the Region 3 Employer Professional Development Award. Other committee members at this time include Tom Bellarmine (Florida), Andrew Hargrove (Virginia), Dan Jackson (Mentor, Virginia), Charles Lord (North Carolina), Deb Powers (Georgia), Bill Ratcliff (Area 3), Butch Shadwell (Area 4), John Liegeois (Area 5), Darrell Piatt (Area 6), John Parr (Area 8), and Dennis Hartley (Area 9). We still need a member from Area 7, the South Carolina Council.
The Region 3 Employer Professional Development Award was created in 1998 and nominations were solicited. EAC is recommending Alabama Power, A Southern Company, as the first recipient of this award.
EAC recently relayed by email to all the Region 3 Sections a call for volunteers for ABET accreditation reviewer duty. Program reviewers from industry are especially in demand, and more Region 3 volunteers from the industrial sector would be a positive development for us.
A listing of holdings in the Region 3 Lending Library is available on the Web. From, there is a link to the "Lending Library." Funding has been requested to allow the acquisition of some new library materials in 1999. Items which could be used by Sections to provide workshops and short courses, perhaps even carrying Continuing Education Units (CEU) credit, will have priority in this round of new acquisitions.
Perry Wheless traveled to Atlanta for weekend working meetings with the Membership Development (MD) Committee in September and December to facilitate coordination of EAC and MD efforts, particularly in partnering with employers - an area of considerable overlap of EAC/MD interests and missions.
One of EAC's Goals and Objectives for 1998 was to encourage Region 3 Sections to have a special, education-oriented meeting (apart from their regular meetings) once a year. Because local needs vary, the definition of what constitutes an educational activity was left to the discretion of the Section. Two publicity broadcasts about this to the Region 3 email distribution list only netted two replies, just one of which was positive. Because the idea has considerable merit, EAC is planning to "roll over" this objective onto the 1999 list and try again! If you have any suggestions about what this concept needs in order to gain acceptance at the Section level, please respond directly to Perry Wheless (