James Beall, Dale Caston, David Conner, Pat Donohoe, Bob Duggan, Joey Duvall, David Green, Andrew Hargrove, Roy Harris, Bill Harrison, Dennis Hartley, Sean Haynes, Charles Hickman, Don Hill, Jim Howard, Daniel W. Jackson, Charles Lord, George McClure, David McLauren, Silvia Middleton, John Parr, Darrell Piatt, Deb Powers, Vernon Powers, Bill Ratcliff, Dick Riddle, Butch Shadwell, Brian Skelton, Lee Stogner, Brian Swail, Reed Thompson, and John Twitchell.
John Conrad Kathy Drevik, and Vince Stewart.
Director's report
Director Caston opened the meeting at 7:15 pm and welcomed the guests to caucus (John Carver, Vince Stewart, Charles Lord) to the January meeting of the Region 3 Excom. He reviewed certain end of the year membership statistics for Region 3: 321 Senior Members (up to 1.9% increase), approximately 4000 students, 29585 total members (up 4% from the end of 1997.)
Director Elect/Vice-Chair Report
Director-Elect Riddle referred members to his report and urged chairs to name a vice chair for their committee.
The secretary referred members to his report. He remarked that the Region's reports were being archived on the web and that members who had brought written reports should submit them by e-mail to the secretary so that they too could be archived.
Treasurer Hickman distributed expense forms and noted that the mileage reimbursement rate is $0.325/mile. He then went over the 1998 Final Treasurer's report that showed $108,135.08 of receipts (compared to a budget of $117,705.00) and expenses $128,860.85 (as compared to a budget of $150,150.00). The total assets of the region are $198,843.89. He reminded us that a large percentage of the assets were either committed resources or in long term investments.
Past Director
No formal report.
Awards & Recognition
Awards Chair John Twitchell indicated his desire to discuss the . The Excom went into Executive Session and discussed the awards to be reported tomorrow. After the session, Director Caston announced that the discussed award recommendations would be placed on the consent agenda for endorsement.
Jim Howard reported on the Conference Committee held earlier in the day. He then called on various people to make specific presentations.
For Southeastcon 99, Conference Chair Don Hill reported that one could register for Southeastcon '99 on the web as well in other formats. March 1st is the early registration/hotel cutoff date. He passed out the registration form and encouraged everyone to register early for the conference. Director Caston noted that Excom and Region Committee members should check the ``Excom'' box on the form. Dan Jackson noted that the Life Members can register at the student rate and suggested that the information be made available.
For Southeastcon 2000, Jim Howard reported for George Cook, Chair of the Nashville Conference.
For Southeastcon 2001, Lee Stogner reported that two co-chairs Mark Stokes and Nick Pasquerilla had been named for the conference that would be held on the Clemson campus.
For Southcon '98, Debbie Powers reported that 197 booths have been sold. Reasonably successful both in booth sales and attendance. She reported that Southcon '99 will be April 13-15 in Gwinnett Civic and Cultural Center. More information is available at . On the last day, SMTA (Surface Mount Technology Association) will be co-located with Southcon. To date, about 164 booths have been sold. Southcon 2000 is in the planning stages for Raliegh NC.
Jim Howard reported that Charles Lord had accepted the Conference Committee Vice Chair position. He announced plan to make the following motion:
Moved that the Region 3 Executive Committee require that all proposals to host Southeastcon
1) Have a previous review by IEEE Meeting Planning Services or IEEE Conference Service and IEEE Travel Services,
2) Include a summary of comments from and suggestions made by these entities, and
3) Include statements as to how the host Section has responded or plans to respond to these comments and suggestions.
Bob Duggan reported that the SPC supported this position. The group agreed that the item could go on the consent agenda.
Educational Activity
Dan Jackson went over Perry Wheless's report who was unable to attend due to work commitments. The group discussed access to lending materials from the Region 3 Lending Library by entities outside of Region 3. Dan Jackson announced that he would make the following motion (to be seconded by Butch Shadwell) at the Excom meeting:
Moved that Region 3 not make materials from the Region 3 lending library available to entities outside of Region 3. (To be moved by Dan Jackson and seconded by Butch Shadwell).
The item was placed on the action agenda.
Membership Development
Director Caston, with permission of the group, invited MDC Chair to make his report prior to the Finance Committee Report. Chair Bill Harrison went over the Corporate Relations Pilot project. He discussed the goals, scope and project plan. He plans to submit an electronic report and place the information on the web in the next two weeks. The group discussed the budget implications of the project. Various approaches for seeking support from other entities was submitted.
Finance Committee
Treasurer Hickman reviewed the proposed budget for 1999 that shows planned receipts of $128,802 and planned expenses of $153,508. He noted this a deficit of $33,617 (including a $20,000 spending on Section Congress that had been `set aside' during the last two years.) He led the group through a comparison of the 1999 proposal versus 1998 actuals.
Bill Harrison proposed to increase the MDC allocation to $10,000 from $5000. After some discussion, the group decided to modify the budget to reflect $5000 ``seed money'' on expenses and $5000 added in receipts.
Professional Activities Operations Committee
Don Hill referred members to his report. He announced that Carl Hussey will be serving as Vice Chair and Vince Stuart will be joining the committee. He recognized George McClure to discuss PACE. George McClure referred members to his report and highlighted items from it.
Lee Stogner referred members to his report. He discussed the major areas covered by his committee. He reported that the Communications Committee accepted the e-Conferencing Project as proposed by Bill Ratcliff and David Green to be included in the 1999 Goals and Objectives for the committee.
It is proposed that Region 3 fund a speaker to make a presentation on the results of the project to the Section's Congress 99 out of its approved budget (estimated $1400).
He reported that the committee had accepted the e-Conferencing Project as proposed by Bill Ratcliff and David Green and asked that it be included in the 1999 Goals and Objectives for the committee:
It is proposed that Region 3 fund a speaker to make a presentation on the results of the project to the Section's Congress 99 out of its approved budget (estimated $1400).
Bob Duggan reported that SPC had heard the proposal and recommended its approval.
The group agreed to put this motion on the consent agenda.
For the Electornic Communications Subcommittee, Brian Swail reminded members of the e-mail alias system. He also noted that the IEEE R3 Web Site had been moved to the entity web hosting site. Subaccounts have established to allow specific committees and the secretary to maintain specific areas of the web.
Newsletter Editor Brian Shelton reported that the Winter issue of the Region 3 issue of the newsletter is at the printers and should be placed in the mail next two weeks. The group discussed the benefits/cost of a mid-year newsletter to just the Region volunteers. After the discussion, the group decided to forgo a mid-year newsletter and use other mechanisms for distributing information during this time.
Public Information Subcommittee Chair Lee Stogner discussed plans for future operations of this subcommittee.
Strategic Planning
Bob Duggan reported that Bill Ratcliff had been appointed as Vice Chair of the committee.
He reported the following motion from the committee:
SPC recommends the Excom instruct the Region 3 Director to propose to RAB at their Hilton Head that IEEE become a "Titled Sponsor" of the Scout Electricity and Electronics Merit Badge at the 2001 National Sout Jamboree and that RAB request that the Institute's 2000 budget include $30,000 to fund this sponsorship.
Other SPC actions will show up in support of other activities in the curriculum.
Student Activities
Pat Donohoe referred members to his reported. He thanked specific members who had participated in the 1998 edition of the Student leadership training workshop.
Regional Student Representative
Joey Duvall reported on one of the Student leadership training which was paired with the Florida Council training workshop.
Dick Riddle assumed control of the meeting.
Area 1/Virginia Council
Grove Hargrove referred members to his report and announced that all sections were on e-mail.
Area 2/NC Council
Silvia Middleton will distribute her report by e-mail next week. She briefly discussed plans for 1999 and some of the successes/problems/issues of 1998.
Area 3
Bill Ratcliff referred members to his report. He noted that Ed O'Brian had agreed to
serve as Vice Chair. He discussed some of his analysis of members who are in arrears in
area 3 and his contact with the various section MD chairs.
Area 4/Florida Council
Butch Shadwell referred members to his report. He also talked about the joint student/area training sessions.
Area 5/Tennessee Council
Brian Swail briefly discussed plans for the council in 1999. He announced that council officers were on the council's web site. He discussed the health of the various sections.
Area 6
Darrell Piatt referred members to his report. He reviewed actions on a section by section basis. He announced that Lowell Brothers had agreed to serve as Vice Chair of Area 6.
Area 7/SC Council
Lee Stogner reported that Allen Thomas unable to attend due to illness. He referred members to Allen's report. He reviewed the health of the council and causes of certain short term problems.
Area 8
John Parr referred members to his report. He spent a moment on the health of the sections and subsections. Dan Jackson reported that the Louisville Section will have its 75th anniversary.
Area 9
Dennis Hartley referred members to his report. He thank Jim Beall again for his actions at the local training section. Director Caston noted the formation of several new society chapters. The excom recognized Dennis Hartley for attaining senior member status.
Leadership Development
Reed Thompson referred members to his report. Dan Jackson remarked that the move to a calendar-basis may reduce the effectiveness of the leadership training activity at Southeastcon. The group discussed various approaches that could be pursued.
Debbie Powers announced that the secretary had sent out the ballots for the Region Committee to vote on approval on the 1999 Director slate. She asked the group to contact the section chairs urge them to promptly send in their votes.
Director Caston appointed David Green, David Conner, and Darrell Piatt to a tellers committee to count the votes and inform Debbie Powers and Director Caston.
'99 Sections Congress
Dan Jackson reported on Sections Congress '99 whose theme is ``Designing the Next Century'', October 8-11, 1999 in Minneapolis MN. He presented a brief slide show. He reviewed the costs associated with attending the conference.
Dan Jackson proposed the previously distributed funding plan. Bob Duggan reported that SPC had endorsed the funding level. The group agreed to place this item on the consent agenda.
Special Review Committee
Roy Harris referred members to his report. He updated his report to note that the Special Review Committee (of the communications committee) had submitted its report that has been transferred to the chair of the Review Committee for rebuttal or concurrence. He noted that two others are pending: Student Activities and Conference Committee.
He proposed that the review cycle be changed from 4 years to 6 years and reminded chairs of their responsibilities to file yearly reports on the committee. The group agreed that this item could be placed on the consent agenda.
GOLD Report
Sean Haynes referred members to his report. Sean presented a short report on GOLD's participation in the PACE Conference. He went over the GOLD plans for the next year.
Other Old/New Business
On behalf of Dave McLaren, Dan Jackson discussed Life Member Chapters.
Dennis Hartley inquired about ??
After some housekeeping items, Director Caston adjourned the meeting at 10:44 pm.
January 31, 1999
Call to order by Director Caston at 8:03am.
Approval of Agenda
The Excom approved the agenda.
Consent Agenda
The Excom approved the consent agenda as shown below:
a. Approval of 1999 Budget
b. Approval of Sections Congress Funding Scheme
c. Approval of E-Conferencing Project
Moved acceptance the e-Conferencing Project as proposed by Bill Ratcliff and David Green to be included in the 1999 Goals and Objectives for the Communications Committee.
It is proposed that Region 3 fund a speaker to make a presentation on the results of the project to the Section's Congress 99 out of its approved budget (estimated $1400).
d. Moved that the Region 3 Executive Committee require that all proposals to host Southeastcon
1) Have a previous review by IEEE Meeting Planning Services or IEEE Conference Service and IEEE Travel Services,
2) Include a summary of comments from and suggestions made by these entities, and
3) Include statements as to how the host Section has responded or plans to respond to these comments and suggestions.
e. Moved to approve award recommendations from Awards Committee
Outstanding Service Award - Jim Beall
Professional Leadership Award - David Green
Outstanding Engineer Award - Darrell Piatt
Joseph Biedenbach Outstanding Educator Award - Gregg Vaughn
f. Creation of an MDC allocation to $10,000 from $5000.
g. Moved that Region 3 Director propose to RAB at their meeting at Hilton Head that IEEE became a ``titled sponsor'' of the Scout ``Electricity & Electronics Merit badge'' at the 2001 National Scout Jamboree and that the RAB request that RAB request that the Institute's 2000 budget include $30,000 to fund this sponsorship.
h. Change the interval between reviews of Region 3 Standing Committees from 4 years to 6 years.
Action Items from caucus
a. Moved that Region 3 not make materials from the Region 3 lending library available to entities outside of Region 3 except at the direction of the Region Director. (To be moved by Dan Jackson and seconded by Butch Shadwell)
Director Caston gave the Date and Location of next meeting as:
27-28 March 1999 at Southeastcon '99
Hyatt, Lexington, Kentucky
He noted that the Fall Excom will be in Nashville TN in the Southeastcon 2000 hotel.
Having completed the Excom's business, Director Caston adjorned the meeting at 8:38 pm.