From: John Parr []
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 11:52 PM  (updated based on 3/29 e-mail from John Parr)
Subject: Area 8 Report

IEEE Region 3 Area 8 Report March 1999

 All sections in Area 8 continue to have about the same level of attendance at meetings as in the recent past.

Evansville-Owensboro Section:

A reported at the Winter Excom meeting, Chairman Paul Kuban reports that the average attendance at meetings is about fifteen. The section has provided financial support for the University of Southern Indiana student branch. The officers of the section are considering the possibility of funding scholarships at the University of Southern Indiana and the University of Evansville. The section has begun an effort to increase the number of members who are recognized as Senior Members of IEEE.  One problem encountered is finding Senior Members to endorse applications. 

The section sponsored an Engineering Banquet at the University of Evansville during Engineers week. The banquet was well attended.

The Evansville-Owensboro section is actively seeking ideas for meeting programs that will attract more attendance.

Paducah Sub-section:

Chairman Wayne Priddy reported that the sub-section has not been active during the past year. However, the small group that remains want to keep the subsection in existence and hope to revitalize it. The sub-section will submit the required organizational reports to IEEE.

Lexington Section:

Chairman Donald Bush reports that the Lexington Section has been very active in preparation for Southeastcon. The section has about fifteen active members who are participating in the preparations. 

The Louisville Section submitted a separate report on their activities.


John Parr

Chairman, Area 8

IEEE Region 3