Elected new officers: New section Chair, Greg Taylor, is an electronics engineer with MacCaulay Brown in Warner Robins, and also heads up the section's Future Scientists & Engineers program at Russell Elementary. Vice Chair Curtis Lee is a distribution Engineer with Georgia Power in Macon, and has served as section Secretary for the past several years. Replacing Curtis as Secretary is Al Richardson, an electronics engineer with ARINC. New Treasurer is Larry Qualls, past section Chair and an engineer with Horizons Technology. Returning to the Executive Committee as Members-At-Large are Dennis Ludwig from Robins AFB Electronic Warfare Engineering and Max Roesel from Robins AFB F-111 Engineering. New Members-At-Large are Dr Phil Olivier from Mercer's Engineering School and Cliff Menchew from Support Systems Associates in Warner Robins.
Representation at SOUTHEASTCON. The Central Georgia Section will be represented at this month's SOUTHEASTCON in Lexington, KY by newly-elected Chair Greg Taylor and new Secretary Al Richardson as PACE representative.
Section meeting to be held Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 6:30 PM at Mercer University School of Engineering, Room 210; Subject: Y2K Planning for the Air Force; Speaker: Don Mc Comb, Robins AFB. Mr. McComb is Chief of Production Network Support Section at Robins AFB and is the Y2K focal point for the common avionics support directorate.
At last month’s Section Executive Committee Meeting, several objectives were established for the upcoming year. These included starting a Computer Society and a web page for the Section.