Region 3 e-Conferencing Project -- Status Report December 1999


The e-Conferencing Project team has accomplished several milestones since the last report provided at SoutheastCon.




Ø      Beta Test                               9/27/1999

Ø      Publish Version 1                  10/ 8/1999

Ø      Present to SC'99                   10/10/1999


The first deliverable is the Guideline on Synchronous Project Oriented Meetings.

The Guideline for Asynchronous Meetings is in the project pipeline and is scheduled for rollout at SoutheastCon in April. The major concentration of the project, at the current time, is centered on conducting a Region 3 ExCom e-conference Meeting on Saturday, 29 January 2000.  For additional detail please visit the project's web site


The e-Conferencing Project will become the Region 3 Ad Hoc e-Conferencing Committee starting in January 2000. Since the existing Project Team has agreed to serve on the AD Hoc e-Conferencing Committee, the transition should be seamless.


This Project could only have been accomplished by a team effort, which was recognized by the volunteers attending the presentations at Section's Congress '99-- How did the team stay together throughout the project was a recurring question? Many of the questions centered on the behavior of the team. The credit belongs to the members of the team and the use of the e-conferencing guidelines as they were being developed. Yes, e-conferencing does work and with the cooperation of all on the Region 3 ExCom we can improve on what has been developed.


I want to personally thank -- David Green, Charles Lord, Dick Riddle, Bob Duggan, Sean Haynes, Lee Stogner, Reed Thompson, Brian Swail, Brain Skelton, Allen Thomas and all of the organizations and volunteers that have participated in testing, providing feedback and are using the Guidelines today-- THANKS!!! It is because of your dedication that Region 3 is making progress in these vital areas.



Respectfully Submitted:


William B. Ratcliff

e-Conferencing Project, Project Manager