Approved by consent 12-5-99
Our vision is to enhance members careers, promote the profession, and provide
innovation and leadership to strengthen the IEEE within Region 3.
The mission of IEEE Region 3 is to maintain, enhance, and support the Sections, Chapters,
Student Branches, and individual members in the geographic area assigned to Region 3. As
part of this support Region 3 emphasizes the development of the membership through
recruitment, retention, elevation, recognition, recovery and career enhancement activities
and by the development of effective leaders in all geographic entities. This mission is
facilitated by and through the Area/Council organizational entities in Region 3.
I. Enhanced Value
A. Careers [IEEE SC3, USA 6&7]
Goal: Region 3 entities shall encourage and challenge better qualified students to
consider engineering careers.
a. Encourage each Region 3 entity to establish an active program during Engineers
Week or at other opportunities to provide "Demonstrations" on
engineering/technology topics of interest at the appropriate level to K-12 schools. Region
3 entities are encouraged to utilize their experienced (retired) and GOLD members.
(Professional Activities Operation)
B. Organization Strengthening [USA 10&11; RAB 2,3,4,8,10]
Goal: Review and improve structure of Region 3
a. Review current Region 3 structure and recommend new structure and/or committees
including combining or eliminating committees where appropriate. (Strat. Planning)
b. Develop strong vice chairs for each Regional Committee to facilitate continuity of
Region leadership through a systematic succession program. (Director Elect)
c. Conduct at least one EXCOM standing committee chair and vice chair training session
during the even years of each biennial. (Leadership Training)
d. Enlist as feasible Region 3 EXCOM Standing Committee Chairs from all areas of the
Region. Give special emphasis on obtaining a proper proportion of new members to serve on
the EXCOM for the biennium. (N&A)
e. Encourage use of teams as appropriate in conduct of region tasks. (Director)
f. Conduct at least one Region 3 ExCom meeting per year using e-conferencing guidelines.
C. Finance
Goal: Develop a Region-wide approach to Area/Council funding.(Finance)
II Membership
A. Leadership Development (RAB 3)
Goal: Improve Section leadership effectiveness
a. Revise the Region 3 training program for Section and Chapter officers to include
management and leadership skills as well as resources available at the Institute, Region
and Area/Council levels. (Leadership Devt)
b. As a result of most Sections changing to the calendar year for their fiscal year,
present the Region 3 training programs in the fall or early winter seasons near the start
of the Section and Chapter officers terms. [Deemphasize holding the Region 3
training program at SoutheastCon because that is too late in the officers
terms]. (Leadership Devt)
c. Conduct Student Branch officer training in the fall season in each Area/Council. (SAC,
Area/Council chairs)
d. Develop a training Coordinator in each Area/Council who will present the Region 3
training workshops as required in their Area/Council. Hold a training retreat to train
these Coordinators. Maintain coordination with e-conferencing. (Leadership Devt,
Area/Council Chairs)
e. Develop a new training manual and presentation aids to support the training workshops
for the Area/Councils. The manual is to be available on the Web as well as in printed
form. (Leadership Devt)
f. Hold a Region 3 training workshop in every Area/Council once each year. (Leadership
g. Develop a new Region 3 training program specifically for Section treasurers. Determine
whether this treasurer training can be successfully done by self study or whether a
training workshop is necessary. (Leadership Devt)
h. Develop Region 3 training program specifically for conference treasurers. (Conference)
B. Membership Growth, Retention, & Elevation (IEEE MD4; USA 8; RAB 7, 11, 12, 13)
Goals: Increase Region 3 total membership. Improve conversion of Student Members to
Regular members after graduation. Increase the percentage of Region 3 members who are
Senior Members and Fellows.
a. Develop a "Values of Membership" kit for use by all current members to
recruit new members. Kit to include membership application form and information for web
applications. Also include information about Technical Societies, Technical Conferences,
Career development and enhancement, Electronic Industries data base, local networking
through Section meetings and conferences, opportunity to participate in Technical
Committee and Standards work, Insurance programs, Financial Advantage programs, awards and
recognition, etc. (Membership Devt)
b. Improve retention of members by increasing the percentage of Senior Members to 10% of
the Regions higher grade members. (Membership Devt)
c. Develop a "Graduation Kit" for use at Student Branches to encourage
conversion to regular member grade. Kit to include membership upgrade application and
information for web applications. Also include information about postage prepaid address
update form, IEEE e-mail alias, graduated dues, credit cards, insurance policy, career
enabling (life long learning, PACE, electronic industries data base information, job
search on web information, etc.), IEEE technical Society, GOLD program, and Financial
Advantage. (SC 99 #14) (Student Activities)
d. Strongly promote Section nomination of their members to Senior Member grade. Submit a
nomination for every member with more than 10 years experience. ($10 bonus to Section from
IEEE for every Senior member nominated and approved.) (Area/Council Chairs)
e. Include Area/Council representatives as members of MDC. Maintain contact by e-mail and
e-conferencing. (MDC, Area/Council chairs)
f. Publicize awards in Region Newsletter and in local newsletters (Awards &
Recognition, Newsletter)
g. Maintain the number of Region 3 Fellows at 7% of Institute's number. (Awards &
h. Each Section personally contact all their members who are in arrears, attempt to
recover them, and determine their reason(s) for not renewing membership. (Membership
i. Achieve formation of Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) Affinity Groups in all
Sections. (GOLD Rep)
j. Encourage formation of Life Member chapters in the larger Reg 3 sections. (Life Member
III. Services & Technology
A. Education (IEEE P12, USA 4&5, RAB 3)
Goal: Increase all members knowledge of educational services and products and their
a. Publicize educational products and services which are available and how to get them.
b. Use Region 3 Newsletter and Section newsletters and other
appropriate media, as means for publicizing educational materials and
opportunities to all Region 3 members. (Education)
c. Encourage Sections to hold an educational seminar/program other than Section/Chapter
meeting at least once a year. (Education)
d. Assist Reg 3 volunteers in achieving necessary training in use of new electronics
technologies. (Education, Communications)
e. Increase the use of regional information channels to inform all R3 entities of
available educational resources within the region (at section, area / council, and
regional levels). Encourage and help facilitate the sharing of educational resources (both
media and speakers) between R3 entities. (Education)
B. Communications (IEEE PT3, SC1, USA 4.0 & 5.0; RAB 3&6)
Goal: Encourage increased use of new technology in conduct of Region 3 meetings and
business. Improve availability of information to members via electronic media.
a. Emphasize and encourage use of electronic conferencing at all levels. (Director)
b. Foster use of newsgroups and e-mail lists for information sharing. (Communications)
c. Actively push for all region entities to have an active up to date Web page.
d. Publicize at all levels, the availability of IEEE Web pages and encourage member use of
these pages. (Communications)
e. Archive all Reg 3 manuals available on the Reg 3 Web page. (Communications)
f. Archive all Reg 3 Newsletters on the Reg 3 Web site. (Newsletter, Communications)
g. Continue publicity of the Reg 3 Employer Database. (Prof Activ Ops)
h. Complete e-conferencing Guidelines for synchronous and asynchronous meetings by
Southeastcon 2000. (e-Conference)
i. Develop, distribute, and maintain a Region 3 Resource CD that contains available Region
3 Documentation and applications that facilitate communications between members, IEEE, and
the public. (Communications)
C. Conferences
Goal: Review and improve conferences structure of Region 3.
a. Review horizontal conferences in Region 3. Consider possible new areas/sites as well as
CEU credits for tutorials. (Conference, Education)
b. Review vertical conferences. Provide Sections information on how to formally solicit
Technical Society Conferences.(Conference)
c. Examine professional management for conferences. (Conference)
D. Programs
Goal: Help strengthen Section programs
a. Develop and maintain a database accessible on the Web of exceptional speakers located
in or near the region, indexed by zip code. This program is particularly important to
small sections with no active chapters. (Education)
IV. Public Imperatives
A. International Growth and Sharing (IEEE SC4, RAB 5)
Goal: Have all active sections in Region 3 send at least one delegate to Sections Congress
a. Encourage Sections to budget section funds in 2000, 2001, and 2002 for sending a
primary delegate to SC'02. (Sections Congress
b. Develop a preliminary distribution formula for Region 3 SC'02 funds by the 2000 Region
3 Committee meeting, with a final formula by the 2001 Region 3 Committee meeting. (SC
c. Communicate regularly with all Sections to provide information about Sections Congress
and its value to the individual, the Section, and the Institute. (SC Representative)
d. Encourage and support active Region 3 leadership at Sections Congress 2002.(Director)
V. Strengthened Image
A. Strategic Planning (IEEE, USA, RAB)
Goal: Align Region 3 Planning with that of IEEE, IEEE-USA, & RAB
a. Continue annually to update Region 3 Strategic Plan, revising as appropriate the
various goals and objectives. (SPC)
b. Annually, the Strategic Planning Committee will review the
performance of the various entities of the Region with an analysis of the actual progress
made compared to the measurable objectives
established in the current plan, and provide a report of its analysis
to the Region Director. (SPC)
c. Assign experienced member(s) of SPC to each ExCom committee as mentors to assist in
following up on the respective committees goals and objectives. (SPC)
d. Encourage assignment of experienced members as mentors to all other Region 3 entities.
e. Post the R3 Strategic Plan on the Region 3 Web site. (SPC, Communications)
B. Public Information (IEEE EV2,PI1,PI2,PI3; USA 1,2,3)
Goal: Enhance image of engineers
a. Encourage Sections to participate in National Engrs Week. (Prof. Act. Operations)
b. Strengthen media relations to better publicize National Engrs Week. (Public
c. Insure that all Region 3 awards are appropriately publicized regionally and in the
local section of the awardee. (Public Information)
d. Insure that all Institute and Board awards to Region 3 members are appropriately
publicized regionally and in the local section of the awardee. (Public Information)
e. Recognize volunteers contributions in Reg 3 newsletter. (Public Information)
f. Support as appropriate National Scout Jamboree activities held in Region 3. (ExCom)
g. Encourage all ExCom members to be knowledgeable of latest electrotechnology
developments that support the conduct of Reg 3 business and encourage the effective use of
electrotechnology in the conduct of Reg. 3 business. (Director)
h. Continue and implement work of Corporate Relations Project. (Corporate Relations)
i. Develop and/or collect guidelines for the generation of press releases, news articles,
and other information that support the contributions of the profession and IEEE members.
(Public Information)
C. Special Projects:
Goal: Encourage and facilitate preparation of proposals for Reg 3 Special Projects.
a. Provide guidelines for submitting Special Projects. (Special Projects)
b. Post these guide lines on the Region 3 Web site. (Communications, Special Projects)
c. Publicize and share Reg 3 innovations with RAB and IEEE. (Director)
d. Maintain a record of Region 3 Special Projects and their outcome. (Special Projects)