Region 3 January 2000 Excom
Discussion Items: Southeastcon and Sections Congress

Charles J. Lord, P.E., Conference Committee Chair
29 January 2000

There are three conference items that need to be discussed today as part of our excom meeting:

SoutheastCon 2000 R3 Meetings - I have heard from only a few of you regarding the need for meeting space for the annual Region 3 Committee meetings at SoutheastCon.  We will be tight for space at Nashville and it will take a lot of advanced planning on the part of George Cook and his committee to get all of the technical sessions, regional meetings, student meetings, and workshops into the available space.  I have taken on the task of coordinating the R3 meetings and will be your contact person.  Without your feedback, I can't get you the space you need.   March, even mid-Feb will be too late to ask for space; I need to know NOW what meetings you need to hold at SoutheastCon.  Please do not take on-line time to pass these along to me but please email me ASAP.  The things we need to discuss openly are the dependancies of meetings (ones that have to be before / after certain other meetings, etc).  Deadline to get space requests in to me is FEBRUARY 7th!!!

Future SoutheastCon sites - We need to get more folks thinking about hosting SoutheastCon.  It is a lot of work but it really is fun and a rewarding experience.  It is also a great way to get students and members working together.  We should be looking for a 2004 site, but still do not have a 2003 bid and will just be voting on 2002 at this year's SoutheastCon.  How can we get more sections involved?

Sections Congress 2005 - Only three regions have not hosted a Sections Congress yet.  We are the only region in the Western Hemisphere that has not.  It is our time!  We are looking for prospective host sections.  Some key needs are a good international airport and a hotel that can hold the event (they are looking for a 500 room block).   How can we get the few sections that meet these criteria interested and involved?   One section, Atlanta, has bid before and was unsuccessful with what looked like a winning bid.  How can we get these people excited about re-submitting?


Charles J. Lord, P.E.