Report of Professional Activities Operating Committee

January 27, 2000

Our PAOC and the PACE representatives are planning an active year.

George McClure has presented each of us with a wonderful list of projects for our PACE members to help our members. As the first quarter of the year progresses, our PACE organization will invite sections and student branches to engage in one or more of these worthy projects.

Vernon Powers plans to take the resume project through the alpha and beta stages in 2000, then make the product available to all members that need the service. Vernon is always looking for good volunteers to move this project to completion. Please step up for an assignment.

Last year numerous section and area PACE representatives prepared two important lists: the entity's accomplishments for the past year and the plans for the coming year. Now is the time for each of us to complete these plans. The exercise of looking back and forward at our entities strengthens our programs and the members we serve.

Carl Hussey has contacted PACE representatives to encourage a greater Engineer's Day participation of engineers in local elementary and secondary school systems. Your efforts may encourage brightest students to become engineers. Carl is also looking into this year's Faraday Project.

As you will note from Dick Riddles's Director's Report, future years' funding for PACE activities is under major discussion at the Board level. Please present your thoughts to Board members that are known to you. Dick, Dale Caston, and your PAOC will continue to seek your input and encouragement at the upper levels of IEEE.

The PAOC would like to express its gratitude to Guy Meador for his hard work on the Awards Committee for the past two years. Guy has decided to take some time away from this project; after Guy catches his breath, I welcome any committee to invite him to the table as an active member. Good Luck, Guy.


Don Hill, Chair