APRIL 8, 2000

The Awards and Recognition Committee met at the April 7/9 Region 3 meeting, held at SoutheastCon 2000, in Nashville. Several items of business were subjects for discussion.

  1. Exemplary Section Award – Region 3 Section response to the Exemplary Section Award has been less than overwhelming over the last several years. The effort to apply for the award is minimal, only requiring the submission of several forms that are routinely supplied to headquarters. A suggestion was made to have the form included in the leadership training program, and have it become a routine part of the Section’s annual submittals. J. Twitchell agreed to contact Reed Thompson about including it in the leadership training manual.

  2. RAB Outstanding Section – C. Hickman reported that RAB is expected to approve the Outstanding Section Award at their meeting in mid-June. He supplied a copy of the proposed award criteria, which will include a monetary award of $750 US. Each Region will be free to select a Section to recommend for the RAB award, using whatever process the Region feels appropriate. A copy of the proposed award is attached. The nomination deadline for RAB would be May 15 of each year.

  3. Region 3 Outstanding Section – ARC feels that the current Region 3 Exemplary Section Award could be utilized as the basis for a Region 3 Outstanding Section Award. The current award does not require sufficient information for the Section to forward to RAB for consideration of the RAB award. Rather than create a separate submittal of information, an optional section at the bottom of the current award could be added that would provide for the additional information. A section could submit the basic information for Exemplary Section, and only be considered for that Award; or, they could add the additional information to be considered for the Region Outstanding Section, and the RAB Outstanding Section, awards.

    RAB recommends that the Region provide a monetary award of at least $500 US for the Outstanding Section. Applications would need to be received by the Region by March 31 of each year. The Chair of ARC would convene an ad hoc committee of at least three EXCOM members during the SoutheastCon meeting each year, and recommend a Section to the EXCOM during their meetings. A copy of the proposed RAB form for the Region’s use is included.

    J. Twitchell will mark up the RAB form and the Exemplary Section Award after RAB approval in June, and circulate to the EXCOM for comment and review. The goal would be to present a recommendation to Region 3 EXCOM at their fall meeting in South Carolina.

  4. The ARC Manual is out of date and the Chair should update it for the membership by the fall meeting.

Submitted by John R. Twitchell, PE, Region 3 ARC Chair.