By: Monroe B. Joe Savage, Jr.
The Mississippi section began the year by holding elections for new officers in January. Elected where Joe Savage, Chairman; Dr. Ray Franco, Vice-Chairman; John Marshall, Program Chair and PACE Chair; Mr. Carl Hovermale, Secretary; Dr. Steve Daniel, Treasurer and Past Section Chair; Ms. Dorothy Boswell and Dr. Cary Cox, Co-Chairs Membership Development; and Ms. Michelle Picou, GOLD Chair.
The January meeting, coordinated by Mr. John Marshall, was a tour of Multicraft, Inc., Brandon, MS, manufacturer of automobile valves and control sensors. (See photo #1). The February meeting was part of National Engineers Week activities in Vicksburg, MS. Mr. Joe Savage, Mississippi Section Chairman, served as the General Chair for all activities sponsored by ASCE, ASME, MES, SAME and IEEE. Other IEEE members were activity chairs and participated in statewide teleconferencing to high schools and community colleges, as speakers at junior and senior high schools in Vicksburg and Warren County, as tour guides at engineering firms and enjoyed an evening E-Week Banquet. Mr. Dale Caston, IEEE-USA Secretary/Treasurer from DLo, MS attended the Banquet with his wife Alma. (See photo #2). The March meeting was a tour of Howard, Inc., Laurel, MS. Howard, Inc. is the largest manufacturer of power transformers in the USA. They build pole mounted, pad mounted, and underground transformers in an ever-expanding 1.6 million square foot plant. IEEE members employed by Howard conducted the tour. (See photo #3). The April and May meetings are planned as plant tours in the Vicksburg, MS area. During August, the Mississippi Section members will participate in a program with other professional and engineering societies (IAAP, AGA, AFGE, BIG, and SAME) for federal government employees about Meeting Facilitation Scenarios-How to Run a Meeting at the US Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center.
Contacts are being made with the Student Chapters at Mississippi University and the University of Southern Mississippi to coordinate activities and plan joint meetings. GOLD Chair Michelle Picou will be contacting recent graduates to encourage their participation in the Section programs and to develop new and interesting activities for them.
Goals for the year are better communications with the membership by use of newsletters, e-mail and a web page, more participation of members by conducting interesting technical and social meetings throughout the state, assist the North Mississippi Sub-Section to become active for our members in their area, and increase membership.
Caption photo #1. IEEE members tour the Multicraft, Inc. plant in Brandon, MS.
Caption photo#2. IEEE members participate in the National Engineers Week activities. From the left, Joe Savage, Mississippi Section Chairman, Dale Caston, IEEE-USA Secretary/Treasurer, and John Marshall, Mississippi Section Program and PACE Chairman.
Caption photo #3. Members enjoying a tour of Howard, Inc. plant in Laurel, MS. Tour guide is Mr. Richard Hollingsworth.