Proposal to Experiment with increased Vice Chair Travel
To be discussed and potentially moved, that an experiment to
determine the benefits/costs of the following leadership/training
Region 3 would invite all R-3 ExCom Vice Chairs to SoutheastCon
2001. It is estimated the additional expense is between $10K -
To offset these additional expenses, Region 3 would hold its
winter (January/February) ExCom meeting as an e-conference
meeting; and
Region 3 would hold only two face-to-face ExCom
meetings next year (2001), one at SoutheastCon 2001 (March 30
- April 1, 2001) and the
other in October/November at an as yet undetermined location.
Background Information
The goal of this experiment is to show that funding Vice Chairs
to more fully participate in committee activities will improve
the committees, increase the pool of known leaders for IEEE
volunteer positions, and provide some succession planning for
continuity in Region 3 efforts.
Note that with the push towards electronic meetings, this effort
plus effective use of e-conferencing has the potential of
invigorating the committee structure and expanding
From our Treasurer:
For our three meetings in 1999, the following travel expenses
were paid.
Excom in Birmingham - 27 attendees, $8,700.41, average cost $320.53.
SoutheastCon in Lexington - 51 attendees, $27,805.18, average $545.20.
Excom in Nashville - 31 attendees, $12,179.93, average $392.90.
Total for all three meetings - 109 expense reports,
$48,685.52, average cost $446.66.
From our roster:
There are potentially 32-34 additional attendess:
10 Standing Committees
(it seems that Finance does not need a Vice Chair and that
Nominations does not need funding for a vice chair to attend)
9 Area/Council Vice Chairs
5 Subcommittee Vice Chairs and one Subcommittee Chair
PACE, Archive, Electronic Communications, Newsletter, Public
Information plus Employment Assistance Chair
10 Ad Hoc Committees
Note that potentially a few of these Vice Chairs will already be
funded to attend Southeastcon for other reasons (Section
representative, PACE represenative, conference participant,
Last modified: Sun Apr 2 22:55:10 CDT 2000