8-9 April 2000
Since the last report to the Region 3 Committee the Virginia Mountain Section has held one plant tour, one professional meeting, one educational meeting, four technical meetings, and six administrative meetings. Still to come this spring are the Student Paper/Project competition and another plant tour. Two of the four chapters held enough meetings last year to stay listed as active. Each chapter has one joint meeting with the Section for which the chapter is responsible for the program.
After the election of officers last spring the newly elected chair, Ed Wheeler, moved to Indiana. The VMS Executive Committee drafted Dan Jackson as chair (with his agreement). The Vice Chair is Dave Kingma; the Secretary/Treasurer, Howard Moses. These officers and all other members of the section executive committee will serve 18 months, through 2000, to put the section officers on a calendar year basis. The program year will continue on an academic year basis as the section activities are tied closely with Virginia Tech and Virginia Military Institute.
The Virginia Mountain Section celebrated a major milestone in September 1999, its Fiftieth Anniversary. IEEE President Ken Laker and IEEE-USA President Paul Kostek were the featured speakers. However, Hurricane Floyd, an uninvited visitor to Philadelphia, prevented President Laker from attending.
Director Caston presented the Fiftieth Anniversary banner to Chair Jackson. A number of past section chairs attended.
One of the accomplishments in 2000 is the complete rewriting of the Section Bylaws to bring them into conformance with the IEEE Bylaws, the IEEE Policy and Procedures and the Regional Activities Operations Manual. The most significant revision is changing the term of office to the calendar year instead of from June 1 through May 31. This may cause some confusion in program responsibility because the program year is expected to remain tied to the academic year of September to May. The voting for approval of the new Bylaws is underway at the present time.
The Virginia Mountain Section was authorized seven Third Millennium Medals. These were presented at the March 2000 meeting to John Fennick, David Geer, Ira Jacobs, Dan Jackson, and David Livingston. Russell Churchills will be presented later, and Ed Wheeler will receive his in Indiana.
For additional information about the Virginia Mountain Section refer to the Section Web page,, on which the old and new bylaws are posted along with many past copies of the Newsletter and other information.
Dan Jackson, Chair
Virginia Mountain Section