From Wed Apr 5 22:25:31 2000 Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 09:13:51 -0400 From: "Banerjee, Meena Bhattacharjee (Meena)" To: 'Charles Lord' , "''" Cc: "Shore, Carrye Leon (Leon)" , 'Richard L. Riddle' Subject: Winston-Salem Section - IEEE Report Our Winston-Salem section has 165 active members (as of February 2000). Among them we have 20 students. Our section is pretty active and alive. We usually have good turn out for our meetings. Last year we had nine meeting and they were 5 technical, 2 educational, 1 administrative and 1 Professional meetings. So far this year we had two technical meetings. Traditionally, IEEE is an Industry-based community. In the past we heavily depended on industries for their engineering support. In Winston-Salem, many industries have moved out and many have downsized. One segment which has expanded in this area is the Biomedical engineering. As a result, we are leaning more towards Biomedical Engineering. Last year, the section presented IEEE/AMP Scholastic awards to two students Michael Terry and Todd Hall at Forsyth Technical College. The section also presented the following awards to their members for: Outstanding Service Award: Meena Banerjee - Lucent Technologies Outstanding Engineering Award: William J. Chimiak - Wake Forest University Outstanding Engineering Educator Award: Robert J. Plemmons - Wake Forest University and Adjunct Professor at NCSU IEEE Millennium Medal: Peter Santago - Wake Forest University Our newly elected officers for year 2000 in the section are as follows: Section Chairman: Meena Banerjee Vice-chairman: Craig A. Hamilton Secretary/Treasure: C. Leon Shore awards & recognition: Peter Santago PACE Chair: Lyle Greg Lisle Associated editor and region 3 director: Richard L. Riddle Newsletter editor and web author: Dennis D. Dice Meena Banerjee Lucent Technologies (336) 727-3554