IEEE Region 3 RSAC Report
October 9, 2000
Bruce L. Walcott, RSAC Chair
Stacy Wilson, RSAC Vice-Chair
Joey Duvall, RSR (in perpetuity)
The following report summarizes the status of the Region 3 Student Activities Committee since the last EXCOMM meeting:
The following table summarizes the growth of student membership in Region 3
Student Members Aug 31, 2000 |
Student Members Aug 31, 1999 |
Growth Numbers |
Growth % |
3,478 |
3424 |
54 |
1.6 |
Region 3 is second only to Region 6 in terms of student members in the United States. Region 3 also has 23 student branches registered for on-line application capabilities. Region 3 currently has 87 branch chapters with 32 student branch chapters. We trail only Region 1 in this regard.
The following student branches have been identified to have 9 or less student members as of July, 2000:
DeKalb Tech. Inst.
Wake Tech. Inst.
Western Carolina
Augusta Area Tech School
Gaston College
South Carolina State College
Fayetteville Tech Inst.
State Tech Inst.-Memphis
UT Martin
Northeast State Tech CC
Southwest Virginia CC
Virginia Western CC
Guilford Tech CC
Trident Tech College
Florence-Darlington Tech College
Georgia Souther College
Hampton Univ.
Southeastcon 2000 was held in Nashville, TN on April 7-9. In addition to the technical sessions and professional meetings, students from over 30 schools availed themselves of the following activities: hardware contest, paper contest, software contest, and T-shirt contest.
The winners of these events are:
Hardware Final Standings
First Place: University of Alabama at Huntsville
Second Place: University of Kentucky
Third Place: University of West Florida
Software Competition Results
First Place: University of Evansville
Second Place: University of South Carolina
Third Place: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Paper Contest:
1st Place:
"Magnetic Fields and Forces in a Three Phase Catenary Power Line System,"
by Mike Lockard of Clemson University
2nd Place:
"Measuring Temperature and Strain with Fiber Bragg Gratings."
Ronald W. Bentley of Old Dominion University
3rd Place:
"An Evaluation of Key Interval Measurement By Macromedia Authorware,"
by Matthew J. Inman of The University of Mississippi
T-Shirt Contest Results:
1st Place: UT Knoxville
2nd Place: University of North Florida
3rd Place: Old Dominion University
A meeting of the Region 3 Branch Counselors was also held at Southeastcon 2000. The minutes of the meeting can be found in the appendix to this report.
The Region 3 web contest winner was UT Knoxville, who also placed 2nd in the international contest.
Southeastcon 2000, Region 3 scheduled three SLTWs. Although the UAB SLTW was cancelled due to lack of enrollment, the RSAC would like to thank David Green and Charles Hickman for being on call. Many thanks to Joey, Osama, and Stacy for their volunteerism as well!
SLTW schedule for Fall 2000:
Sept. 30 Birmingham, AL Dave Green (
Charles Hickman (
phone: 205-934-8440 fax: 205-975-3337
Oct. 14 Orlando, FL Osama Mohammed (
Joey Duvall (
phone: 305-348-3040 fax: 305-348-3707
Oct. 28 Nashville, TN Bruce L. Walcott (
Stacy Wilson (
phone: 859-257-8827 fax: 859-323-4922
This year's Southeastcon will be held in Clemson, SC. The rules for the hardware contest can be found at The contest involves gathering of balls and "cashing in" at an appropriate time in the contest. The contest originally proposed having a pit filled with water separating the two halves of the playing surface. This original proposal has been amended to have the pit filled with air.
A paper contest and software contest (involving issues in AI such as ANN's and CTMC) are also planned as student activities.
Thanks to the generosity of Region 3 EXCOMM, a number of students were able to attend the IEEE Student Branch Congress held in Eindhoven, Netherlands on May 14, 2000. As a result of this experience, the University of South Florida (USF) is planning to hold Student Branch Congress 2001 in Tampa, Florida this coming spring. Thanks to Region 3 EXCOMM for their support.
SAC Inititiatives:
At the October 7-9 SAC meeting held in Montreal, the following pertinent SAC recommendations emerged:
The web site contest become permanent with $4000 funding
The student paper contest funding be increased from $1000 to $6000 from the Life Member's Committee
Note: this second initiative (if approved) will certainly help to turn around the anemic student participation in the Region 3 paper contest!
Respectfully Submitted
Bruce L. Walcott and Joey Duvall
RSAC Chair and RSR
Region 3
Southeastcon 2000
Branch Counselor's Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 8:06 a.m.. Introductions were made and the agenda approved. A sign-up sheet was passed around for attendance. The format of the non-parallel branch counselor and branch chairs meeting was discussed and general consensus for approval.
The IEEE web site contest was introduced with rules handed out. The resume database project was discussed with interested parties encouraged to contact the RSAC chair for further information. The RSAC chair announced that the position of RSAC Vice Chair (and potential future RSAC Chair) was vacant and asked if there was any interest in the position.
Old business included the subject of support for Branch Counselors. Suggestions included the ability of IEEE Headquarters to pay for Branch Counselor's IEEE membership fees as well as the possibility of the RSAC chair writing letters to Dept. Chairs and Deans on behalf of the branch counselors.
New Business included an announcement of the IEEE Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) program as well as the possible location of future IEEE Leadership Workshops. Suggestions were Miami, Pensacola, Mississippi, Nashville, and along the Coast.
The RSR briefed the group on new communication initiatives including having a single location for updating/renewing membership.
Other SAC initiatives include a proposal to remit $25 to branches for completing Branch Counselor and Branch Mentor forms. Also, Student Technical Awareness Conferences (STAC) will be a pilot program coming out of TAG this coming year. Christian Brothers University would be a prime location for this pilot year which will see approximately 2-3 STACs scheduled. The organization is identical to an SPAC with focus on technical rather than professional topics
Discussion then ensued about bolstering the participation in the Student Paper Contest. Resolution for the 2001 contest was:
* Max. of 2 entries per school
* Letter of intent encouraged by Feb. 15th (not required)
* Unlimited # of authors but only two presenters
Comment was made about the Software competition conflicting with branch chairs meeting and about proposing more money for reimbursement to the participating schools.
Meeting adjourned at 9:38 a.m.
Bruce Walcott|312 CRMS Bldg., Lex., KY 40506|859-257-8827||UK
Mongi Abidi|Electrical Engineering, Knoxville TN|865-974-5454||UTK
Jim Lumpp|Electrical Engineering, University of KY|859-257-3895||UK
Bruce Harvey|2525 Pottsdamer St., Tallahassee, FL 32310|850-410-6451||FAMU-FSU
Tom Bullock|2730 SW 9th Drive, Gainsville, FL 32310|325-392-4954||UFLA
Rachid Manseur|11000 University Pkwy, UWF, Pensacola, FL 32514|850-474-3375||UWF
Matt Irwin|Cookville, TN 38505||ieee@tntech|TN Tech
Mike Orear|Chattahoochee, Marietta, GA|||Chatt. Tech
Mohsen Lotfalian|1800 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN|812-479-2792||U of Evansville
Eric Welch|650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38018|901-321-3461||CBU
John J. Komo|Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634|864-656-5916||Clemson U
Hugh Blanton|52 East Tennessee State U., PO Box 70552, Johnson City, TN 37614|423-439-4177||E. TN State U.
Thomas Bellarmine|Tech. Bldg.#B RM307A, Tallahassee, FL 32307|850-599-8638||FAMU-FSU
Osama Mohammed|ECE Dept., FIU RM EA53983, Miami, FL 33174|305-348-3040||FIU
David Chau|3920 Callahan Dr., Memphis, TN 38127|901-353-2044||U of Memphis
David Livingston|Dept. of EE Nichols Engineering Hall, Lex., VA 24450|540-464-7545|livingstondl@mail.vml.eou|VMI
John Bowles|University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208|803-777-2689||USC