From: Richard Skovholt Subject: REPORT To: Region 3 Committee/EXCOM Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 14:00:08 -0500 The officers for the Daytona Beach Chapter are : Prof. Dick Skovholt Chairman, Lew Unnewehr, Vice Chairman , Tracy Wichmann,Secretary and the newly appointed PACE representative (who will attend the Clemson meeting) and Lee Pettit, Treasurer. The primary activities are monthly dinner meetings with excellent speakers who are primarily from Industry,Government and Academia. For example executives/scientists from Lockheed-Martin, Sparton Electronics, Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University, NASA and Volusia County have done outstandingly in their talks. Topics have been Electronic Ship Controls and Automated Test Equipment, Space Launch Operation, Anti-Submarine Warfare Electronics, Flight Simulators,Joint efforts of industry and ERAU, Hybrid and Elecrical vehicles and a 800 MHz communication system. These will continue in the future with Speakers alredy identified for the next two meetings. The Student Section has been involved in projects such as building electronic equipment,visiting local high schools during Engineering Week with retired IEEE members to demonstrate systems and promote EE as a career. Also a recent event was a field trip to Lockheed -Martin for joint presentations and a tour of their Orlando facility.Other similiar activities are planned. Future events include further integration with chapters in our area such as our Vice-Chairman speaking at the Cannaveral Chapter meeting this week. Two areas of concern are: 1-timely notification to Region 3 officials by Headquarters of the new Daytona Beach Chapter officiers elected in late Dec. 2-erroneous and unweidly mailing lists/information of present members. I am looking forward to meeting you at Clemson. Respectively submitted; Dick Skovholt 3/7/01