IEEE 3 EXCOM E-Conf - March 22, 2001

DaveG>> Good evening all! Welcome to R3 Excom Caucus...

DaveG>> We will use our usual "C" for comment and "Q" for question protocol. I will ...

DaveG>> recognize speakers and then one may make comments. Any questions or comments ...

DaveG>> about the protocol?

DaveG>> DickR, would you like to make any initial comments?

DickR>> I would like to welcome all to our ExCom meeting...

DickR>> I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do...

DickR>> it makes me happy to sit at home and not be waiting...

DickR>> in some airport for them to tell me that my plane has been...

DickR>> delayed with that let's get started Dave.

DaveG>> Thank you Dick...

NOTE>> ************* The introductions are placed here to help the reader read the log the real point where these introductions occured is marked later in the log.

DaveG>> let's go through the introduction process now...

DaveG>> please type your name and position into the channel, you don't need to wait ...

DaveG>> to be recognized for this. GA NOW.

CharlesL>> Charles Lord, NC Council and Conferences Chair

ReedT>> K. Reed Thompson, Chair, Leadership Development Committee

BillR>> Bill Ratcliff, Communications Committee Chair

CharlesH>> Charles Hickman, Treasurer

BobD>> Bob Duggan, SPC chair

wshaw>> I'm Wade Shaw, President of the Engineering Management Society

Chip>> Chip Dawson, R3 Comm Committee VC, R3 Webmaster and R3 Newsletter Editor

DaveG>> David Green, Secretary, Electronic Communications Coordinator

Roy>> Roy Harris Special Review Cmte Chair

JohnP>> John Parr

JohnP>> John Parr Area 8 Chair

DickR>> Dick Riddle Director Region 3

JimB>> James (Jim) Beall Nominating Cmt Ch also past past R3 Director

Lee>> Lee Stogner, IEEE-USA VP Professional Activities, R3 Public Information

AllenT>> Allen Thomas Chair South Carolina Council & SoutheastCon Sponsorship Co-Chair

DanJ>> Dan Jackson, Sections Congress '02 Co-Coordinator

Robbie>> Robbie Region 3 Area 9 Chair

DaveG>> Thank you all..

NOTE>> ***************** End inserted introductions ************

DaveG>> The meeting agenda and materials are available at ...


DaveG>> and we will refer to them several times this evening. The area called ...

DaveG>> "Excom Caucus" represents tonights agenda. Does anyone have additional items to add to ...

DaveG>> this agenda?

DaveG>> Hearing none...

DaveG>> We do not have any action items at this time to discuss ...

DaveG>> Item 3 is "review of the consent agenda"...

DaveG>> the agenda has the minutes of our last meeting (an e-conf) and the recieving of reports...

DaveG>> does anyone have any Q/C on consent agenda at this time?

DaveG>> Hearing none... we will move to the discussion agenda...

DaveG>> we have several items here...

DaveG>> the first is "Review of Plans for Southeastcon" ...

DaveG>> DickR would you like to make any opening comments on this item?

DickR>> OK...

DickR>> as you read in my report we have modified our traditional...

DickR>> SoutheastCon meeting agenda somewhat to allow for...

DickR>> more time to be spent in communications with our Section...

DickR>> folks Dave will you give them our plan.

DaveG>> Sure...

DaveG>> looking at ...

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> you can see the overall schedule for the Region 3 meetings. It starts off...

DaveG>> as usual with the normal Friday evening events (registration, reception, area/council, spc) ...

DaveG>> Saturday has committee meetings in the morning (we will ask Charles for ...

DaveG>> comments about these shortly) and then we will have ...

DaveG>> a e-conf training session for the section and pace leaders and a facilitator training...

DaveG>> session for the excom. The facilitator training is related to helping...

DaveG>> the breakout sessions that come immediately following the training...

DaveG>> and runs up to the hardware contest finals. ...

DaveG>> Then a R3 banquet, possible Excom meeting but hopefully time for interaction with ...

DaveG>> conference / meeting attendees. Sunday will be the Region meeting...

DaveG>> with many information items from IEEE, reports from the breakouts, and any businees...

DaveG>> finally, we have the awards luncheon and the debrief. ....

DaveG>> (Hi Wade)

wshaw>> Hi to all, it took a couple of tries but I made it!

DaveG>> We will talk about the nature and structure of the breakouts ...

DaveG>> more as item 4b. Before we let Charles tell us about our committee meetings...

DaveG>> are there any q/c?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Dave now that we have our Clemson buddy Wade with us...

DickR>> maybe we should introduce our folks.

DaveG>> I thought we might do that at a logical boundary if that is ok.

DaveG>> ?

DaveG>> (Hi Roy)

DickR>> 10-4 OK

DaveG>> Any other Q/C on the plan?

Roy>> hello

DaveG>> Hearing none, Charles -> please tell us about the Sat morning committee meetings.

CharlesL>> Sure Dave...

CharlesL>> As all of you can see on the schedule on the web...

CharlesL>> we have a series of area council mtgs on Fri eve...

CharlesL>> we have VA Council in the "pavillion" which is an outside dance place...

CharlesL>> we will move inside if necessary...

CharlesL>> Moving on to Sat AM...

CharlesL>> We have a breakfast mtg for finance as usual...

CharlesL>> (I will get back to spc in a min)...

CharlesL>> there is a block of two rooms from 8-noon...

CharlesL>> as I only have 4 requests, we ahve given each committee 2 hrs...

CharlesL>> bottom line, if your committee is not on the schedule let me know *NOW* so we can make space...

CharlesL>> otherwise we are set...

CharlesL>> as to spc...

CharlesL>> we have a dinner set up fri eve in restaurant...

CharlesL>> Dick and I can attest it is a *nice* one...

CharlesL>> with SPC meeting fri eve roughly parallel to a/c mtgs...

CharlesL>> ant Q's on committee mtgs?

DaveG>> Any Q/C?

DaveG>> Thanks Charles -> anything else on the meetings schedule?

DaveG>> Hearing none... this will conclude this item...

NOTE>> ********* Introductions done here but moved to top ********

DaveG>> Our next discussion item 4a (the second one of those <G>)...

DaveG>> is the breakout sessions. We plan to have something somewhat like ...

DaveG>> the sections congress breakouts which are facilitated and allow ...

DaveG>> folks to discuss a common set of issues. ...

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> describes the general plan for this activity...

DaveG>> and

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> gives a possible list of topics and will be (shortly) turned into a true voting form...

DaveG>> to allow participants (section leaders and excom) to vote on the issues...

DaveG>> (Hi Mark)

Mark>> Oops - wrong channel...sorry!

DaveG>> There will be about 6-8 issues ...

DaveG>> and we would like the excom members to serve as facilitators. Q/C?

DaveG>> Please look over the form and give feedback quickly so we can get it out to the ...

DaveG>> sections. Also, once the topics are chosen, please let me know what ...

DaveG>> your preferences as to which sessions to help with. We will try to accomodate ...

DaveG>> all requests while still getting coverage. Any Q/C?

DaveG>> I hope silence means it looks OK. ...

DaveG>> let's move to item 4b E-Conf training...

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> Charles -> would you like to make a few comments?

CharlesL>> While most if not all of you are taking facilitator training...

CharlesL>> under the direction of the SC99 facilitator trainer (we get the best for you!)...

CharlesL>> I will be training the section and PACE leaders (everyone who has not had econf training).

DaveG>> Thanks Charles ...

DaveG>> HI Don (Please introduce yourself)

don>> Don present, and late

DaveG>> <G> Don Hill, PAO chair too. Welcome

DaveG>> Any Q/C for CharlesL on the training?

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> Our next discussion item is "Future Southeastcons" ...

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> it comes in two parts: 1. A Jamaica Excom and 2. General Trends ...

DaveG>> CharlesL would you start the discussion on the first item (which should have been "Jamaica Southeastcon".)

CharlesL>> Thanks...

CharlesL>> The page Dave pointed to has a link to a pdf of the Jamaica bid draft that I received today...

CharlesL>> I really put all the discussion items in the report so hopefully you are reading or have read it...

CharlesL>> As we have discussed this is a great opportunity but we have to be careful that (1) people can participate...

CharlesL>> and (2) we (R3) and Area 9 dont lose our shirts. Discussion on this item? We will be talking about it...

CharlesL>> at length next Sat AM in Clemson but any feedback we can send to Jamaica will help them strengthen their case.

DaveG>> Q/C?

CharlesH>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> We should get feedback from students in Region 8...

CharlesH>> for example as to how they manage such widespread...

CharlesH>> travel... How would it impact contests?

DaveG>> Thanks. Other Q/C?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> I don't know who will be the Region 8 Director in 2003...

DickR>> but I know the present Region 8 Director well...

DickR>> in fact I have offered to trade him Miami FL for all of ....

Robbie>> c

DickR>> the West Indies and he has accepted <G> but I think...

DickR>> Region 8 would support a joint venture.

DaveG>> Thanks Dick...

BobD>> c

DaveG>> I think R8 had a global Student Conference recently and Dick was referring to R9 for the West Indies...

DaveG>> GA Robbie

Robbie>> Pardon lateness for joining meeting - Halden Morris

DaveG>> Hello Halden!

DaveG>> GA BobD

BobD>> I just wanted to say you mean Reg 9, not 8

Robbie>> just just joined with me

DaveG>> 10-4. ...

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

CharlesH>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> We should have Bruce discuss it at his SAC meeting.

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> Thanks. GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> These sound great...

CharlesL>> one item I will toss out here is that we need to look at how students can possibly cut ground costs...

CharlesL>> The Grande does have non-inclusive rates and there are fast food places right outside the gate...

CharlesL>> also, do they allow quad occupancy (web site says no)? Actually we could make pretty cheap for students with a little work...

CharlesL>> as long as we can get them from US->Jamaica for cheap...

CharlesL>> (well, yes, and back).

DaveG>> Thanks CharlesL, other Q/C?

Robbie>> c

DaveG>> GA Robbie

Robbie>> Hi daveG...

Robbie>> There are a number of non-inclusive hotels...

Robbie>> near the Grand. These rates are very economical..

Robbie>> and will allow students to access fast food etc.

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> Thanks Robbie... GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> This sounds good. perhaps something for us all to look at this fall.

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

Chip>> c

DanJ>> If we don't use sufficient number of lodging rooms at the Grand...

DanJ>> we may be charged extra for the necessary meeting rooms.

DaveG>> 10-4. GA Chip

Robbie>> c

Chip>> It seems that the main problem is transport cost ...

Chip>> may be we could find corporate sponcers within region 3 to get the ...

Chip>> students to the conference by underwriting the transport costs.

DaveG>> Thanks Chip, GA Robbie

Robbie>> The hotel is quite flexible where meeting space is concerned. Jamcon2000 occupied under 100 rooms and were abel to...

Robbie>> access ballroom and several other conference rooms...

Robbie>> We would however need to discuss this matter with them prior to the event.

DaveG>> 10-4. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> There seems to be quite a bit of enthusiasm for trying to face the challenges ...

DaveG>> that have been listed (and that will be discovered.) I suspect Charles Conf Committee ...

DaveG>> meeting will spend a good bit of time on this issue. Any other Q/C?

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> Quick comment. I am very heartened by the response here. WE can do it as a team if we all work at it - keep up the great thoughts!

DaveG>> 10-4. ...

DaveG>> This part #1 of item 4c...

DaveG>> now, Charles, please introduce part 2: Future Southeastcons -- The issues. GA

CharlesL>> I have put a lot of written discussion items in the report bot on web and newsgroup...

CharlesL>> bottom line is, I want R3 to re-think what we want from our confernce(s)...

CharlesL>> there are a lot of things we can do, whether it is improve SoutheastCon or create something different...

CharlesL>> With some strategy im mind, my committee can solve some problems...

CharlesL>> if we go forward with the original concept of SoutheastCon, my thought is the only way we can continue...

CharlesL>> is with professional show management from year to year and let loacl sections take care of the "local flavor"...

CharlesL>> Please read over the discussion material and come to the meeting in Clemson and be ready to throw in your ideas and thoughts...

Robbie>> c

CharlesL>> If the SPC would like to look at this from a strategic view that would also be great. Discussion?

DaveG>> Thank you, GA Robbie

Robbie>> We could be the leaders in this change process...

Robbie>> Cultural differences could be a major change in the conference...

Robbie>> delivery.

BobD>> c

DaveG>> Thanks. GA BobD

BobD>> We'll try to spend some time at the SPC mtg on this.

DaveG>> Thanks! Other Q/C?

DaveG>> Hearing none, good discussion! ...

DaveG>> I would like to extend the offer (and hope) that all meeting convenors at Southeastcon ...

DaveG>> send me a copy of your agenda to post against your meeting. I would ...

DaveG>> appreciate receiving them by Tuesday evening so that attendess have ...

DaveG>> an opportunity to get them from the web. ...

DaveG>> Any Q/C?

wshaw>> c

DaveG>> GA wshaw

wshaw>> Thanks, I plan to meet with you on Sunday morning to discuss any EMS issues ...

wshaw>> bring some publications, and some complimentary EMS memberships.

Robbie>> q

DaveG>> Thanks and I should compliment Wade -- he has already supplied a copy of his ...

DaveG>> presentation and we have it posted in the agenda on the web already. ..

DaveG>> GA Robbie

Robbie>> What possibilities exist for students to attend southeastcon from Jamaica?

Robbie>> c

DaveG>> Robbie, I believe one student chair is funded per the Region 3 Student Activities travel ...

DaveG>> guidelines. I will let you continue your comment and then ask for other comments. GA Robbie

Robbie>> We are planning to send two robot teams which comprise 4 students...

Robbie>> per team...

Robbie>> We also plan to send one student to present paper.

DaveG>> Great. Re R3 funding, there is a bit of funding if the student is in the student paper contest ...

DaveG>> and the branch chair/counselor. I would suggest the Branch Counselor ...

DaveG>> work with Bruce Walcott and Dick Riddle to coordinate this. ...

DaveG>> They only allow one car entry per branch (unless one is for water and one is for dry) ...

DaveG>> so you may have to have a local contest to decide who is going to represent the branch. ...

DaveG>> DickR or CharlesH ==> do you have any additional comments about this?

CharlesH>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> The funding requested would be an exception...

CharlesH>> to the rules, but there may be a way to assist...

CharlesH>> Dick would have to agree, of course.

DickR>> 10-4

DaveG>> Thanks CharlesH, any q/c?

Robbie>> c

DaveG>> GA Robbie

Robbie>> Thanks CharlesH. We will follow up on additional support.

DaveG>> OK, that concludes the discussion agenda...

DaveG>> Item 6 (I will come back to 5) is Review of schedule for 30 March - 1 Apr...

DaveG>> I feel we have already done that during discussion but are there any Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, before we go through the information agenda (very quickly)...

DaveG>> are there any additional action items or discussion items for us to ...

DaveG>> deal with in Clemson ?

DaveG>> Hearing none, let's move to the information agenda, I will recognize the report submitter, please either ...

Robbie>> q

Robbie>> Could you please advise of procedure...

DaveG>> answer "N" nothing to add or "Y" if you have something. If others have a q or

DaveG>> "c"

DaveG>> (Robbie please wait a second)O

DaveG>> please also hit "C" or "Q" at that time. Now before we begin, let's take Robbie's Question. GA Robbie.

DaveG>> Shoot! I think Robbie got disconnected.

DaveG>> OK, let's go through the information agenda ...

DaveG>> Directors Report - DickR?

Freddie>> c

DickR>> N

DaveG>> GA Freddie

Freddie>> Sorry, we got disconnected...

Freddie>> we are now connected with robbie's alternate name...

Freddie>> Q was to do with registration...

Freddie>> of student excom in order to be recognized...

Freddie>> at SECon.

DaveG>> OK. I think this may be a bit involved, perhaps you, I, CharlesL and DickR could discuss ...

DaveG>> this at the end of the meeting. OK?

Freddie>> c

DaveG>> GA Freddie

Freddie>> O'k, we will discuss via mail.

DaveG>> (Or by IRC at the end of this meeting). Thanks.

DaveG>> Any Q/C for Dick on his report?

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Director Elect report?

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Secretaries Report?

DaveG>> Treasurer's Report - CharlesH

CharlesH>> n

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Past Director's report?

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Awards & Recognition report?

DaveG>> Communcations -> BillR

BillR>> N

DaveG>> Archive -> CharlesL

CharlesL>> N

DaveG>> E-Conf -> BillR

BillR>> N

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Electronic Comm Coord Report?

DaveG>> Newsletter -> Chip

Chip>> N

DaveG>> Public Information - Lee

DaveG>> Lee?

Lee>> N, anyone please write articles, I can help.

DaveG>> Thanks! Q/C?

DaveG>> Webmaster - Chip?

Chip>> N

DaveG>> Conference - CharlesL

CharlesL>> N

DaveG>> Hi BrianS (welcome back), please introdcue yourself.

BrianS>> Brian Skelton

BrianS>> Opelika, AL

DaveG>> Good to hear from you neighbor!

DaveG>> Southcon - JimB

JimB>> y will be adding a short paragraph on closing of 2000 show

DaveG>> You will be supplying that in next couple days?

JimB>> yes

DaveG>> Great. Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Any Q/C on educational Activities (Atef mailed me that he was unable to attend tonight)

DaveG>> Finance Cmte - CharlesH

CharlesH>> N

DaveG>> Q/C on Membership Development?

DaveG>> PAO - Don Hill

don>> N

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> Would like to thank Chip for a great Career activities page under PAOC, to be unveiled at Clemson

CharlesL>> (web page)

DaveG>> Applause! Other Q/C?

DaveG>> N&A - JimB

JimB>> N

DaveG>> Strategic Planning - BobD

BobD>> N

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Student Activities

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Virginia Council?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> Will be meeting in Northern VA on saturday, march 24.

DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> NC Council - CharlesL

CharlesL>> N

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Area 3?

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Florida Council?

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Area 5?

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Area 6?

DaveG>> SC Council - AllenT

AllenT>> N

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Area 8?

DaveG>> Area 9 - Robbie / Freddie

DaveG>> Freddie - any thing beyond your report?

Freddie>> n

DaveG>> Thanks...

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> Any q/c on Corp Relations?

DaveG>> Any q/c on GOLD?

DaveG>> Any q/c on History?

DaveG>> Leadership Development - ReedT

ReedT>> N

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Regional Life Member Coordinator?

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Section/Chapter Coordination?

DaveG>> SC 2002 - DanJ

DanJ>> n

DaveG>> Any Q/C on Special Projects?

DaveG>> Special Review Committee - Roy

Roy>> n

DaveG>> Director Riddle, that concludes the agenda within the time...

DaveG>> our next activitiy is Friday in Clemson. Please make any remarks you would like to and then close our meeting.

DickR>> Good meeting folks...

DickR>> Thanks for joining us and we will see ya at SoutheastCon 2001...

DickR>> let's take her to the barn for tonight Dave.

CharlesL>> I would like to compliment Areas 3 and 9 for having 100% reports - we are jealous!

David Green
Last modified: Thu Mar 22 22:27:42 CST 2001