Motion on Asynchronous Voting (From R3 Communications Committee) Move to adopt the following asynchronous voting methodology for the Region 3 ExCom and recommend it as a asynchronous voting methodology for the Region 3 Committee to be considered by the committee in April 2002. Asynchronous Voting =================== Prior and Available Discussion After asynchronous discussion (e-mail, newsgroup, etc.) of issue, allow a one week plus one day voting time on the issue. The asynchronous discussion should be accessible to all voters through some mechanism (web, newsgroup, etc.) which allows for review prior to making an informed vote. Affirmation of "Being Informed" and Voting At this time, a voting member will be asked to affirm that they have reviewed the pertinent discussion, and that based on that discussion and other considerations they consider significant are casting their vote. They may vote YES, NO, ABSTAIN, SYNC-VOTE for the motion. They may also add additional commentary as to why they vote the way they do. During this time, any member may change their vote by sending a new vote and disavowing their old vote. This would allow someone to be swayed by an argument by a 'later' voter. They may also invoke the privilege of having a synchronous discussion and vote (called SYNC-VOTE). If no voting member votes SYNC-VOTE, then the usual rules of the majority prevails assuming there is a quorum (where quorum considers the total number of members submitting e-mail votes.) If any member votes SYNC-VOTE, then the asynchronous vote is abandoned and a synchronous vote (with additional discussion) is scheduled.