September 4, 2001
October 15, 2001
1. Finding: Lack of a formal Region 3 Conference Manual to assist SouthEastCon Planners
continues as a real handicap. There appears to be insufficient continuity between
successive SouthEastCon Committees.
Recommendation: Complete the Region 3 Conference Manual including a sample budget and a
standardized registration form. The registration fee schedule should be standard each
year. Compile lessons learned from each SouthEastCon for reference by successor
committees. This should be a requirement for the conference final report.
Response: The Region 3 Conference Manual is complete and
is available for review. The standardized budget and registration form are part of the
training package that is proposed for the special Task Force that is being proposed for
funding as a R3 Special Project.
2. Finding: Conference Committee agendas often discuss goals and objectives (G&O), but
at the end of the year we find inadequate documentation on committee progress against
these G&Os.
Recommendation: Annually define the formal committee G&Os by January and report
committee progress in their achievement at the fall ExCom with a written report for the
records. In addition, store committee documentation on meetings and accomplishments on the
appropriate Region 3 WEB site to assist future committees, as well as the Review
access to prior activity and lessons learned.
Response: We welcome this idea and will adopt this
proposal by developing an on-line storehouse of committee minutes, G&O progress, and
reports. We will also investigate the electronic archive and storage of our records for
possible secure storage via web or hard copy (CD-Rom).
Submitted by Charles J. Lord, PE, Chair
Region 3 Conferences Committee