DaveG>> Welcome to the caucus of the ExCom to for ...
DaveG>> our last meeting of 2001 under the ...
DaveG>> leadership of Director Riddle. At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...
DaveG>> facilitator. The purpose of this caucus is to discuss things ...
DaveG>> prior to our official meeting for the purpose of informing members, ...
DaveG>> discovering where more information is needed, to build consensus, ...
DaveG>> and to ensure that our official meeting is productive and effective. ...
DaveG>> This is a pre-meeting so no official actions will be taken. ...
DaveG>> We will go till around 11pm EDT tonight and meet again on the 17th...
DaveG>> to complete the agenda if necessary.
DaveG>> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...
DaveG>> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...
DaveG>> So for example: Dave Green ...
DaveG>> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now)
JohnP>> John Parr
BillR>> Bill Ratcliff
bwalcott>> Bruce Walcott
ReedT>> Reed Thompson, Chair, R3 Leadership Development Committee
JimH>> Jim Howard
CharlesL>> Charles Lord
BobD>> Bob Duggan
BillHarri>> Bill Harrison
CharlesH>> Charles Hickman
DickR>> Dick Riddle
don>> Don Hill
EdO>> Ed O'Brien
Jamaica>> Wilfred Roberts and Devon Gayle
ChipD>> Chip Dawson
SeanH>> Sean Haynes
Atef>> Atef Elsherbeni
Roy>> Roy Harris
DaveG>> Hi JimB -- please introduce yourself.
JimB>> Jim Beall, Chair of N&A
DaveG>> Thanks.
DanJ>> Dan Jackson, SC'02 Coordinator
DaveG>> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...
DaveG>> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...
DaveG>> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...
DaveG>> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...
DaveG>> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...
DaveG>> will resume 'control'. ...
DaveG>> The proposed agenda is located at ...
DaveG>> https://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2001-10/agendas.html#Caucus ...
DaveG>> At this time, I would like to invite Director Riddle to ...
DaveG>> make any comments he would like to... GA (Go Ahead) DickR.
DickR>> I am happy to see a good turnout for our meeting, I hope that ...
DickR>> we have time to finish our agenda and with that....
DickR>> please come to order and Dave will you start the agengda.
DaveG>> Thanks Dick. Those who loaded their browser with the ...
DaveG>> agenda earlier may wish to refresh since more items were just ...
DaveG>> added. (links only)
DaveG>> ...
DaveG>> Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? Q/C?
DaveG>> hearing none...
DaveG>> We will begin with the action agenda ...
DaveG>> 2a. Budget -- Charles sent this out by e-mail. CharlesH do you have any comments?
CharlesH>> Budget incomplete...
CharlesH>> Have received only three or four requests from...
CharlesH>> Excom members. Please submit and I will have a ...
CharlesH>> draft in Jamaica.
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
DaveG>> We plan on 'approving' the budget at the ExCom meeting as ...
DaveG>> an action item effectively recommending it to ...
DaveG>> the 2002 ExCom. Please help CharlesH out. Any Q/C?
SeanH>> C
DaveG>> GA SeanH
SeanH>> There is some budget with the GOLD proposal. Is that included in the 3 or 4 listed abouve?
CharlesH>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesH
CharlesH>> I do not recall seeing the proposal yet.
SeanH>> C
DaveG>> It is on the web as a Web Discussion item.
DaveG>> (Actually in NG)> GA SeanH
SeanH>> It is on today's agenda. Will cover when it comes up.
DaveG>> OK. Thanks Any other Budget Q/C?
DaveG>> Hearing none, Item 2b. 2002 Strategic Plan. GA BobD
BobD>> OK ...
BobD>> Most SPC inputs have been incorporated in the draft R3 Strat Plan 2002+rndated 10/12. It has also been routed to ExCom for input/comment. rnChanges from the 2001 Plan are indicated, and it is posted on the Web. rnrnThis draft (with any added changes) will be e-mailed to R3 ExCom byrn10/20 for final Action/endorsement on 10/27 in Jamaica. The 20
BobD>> ...
BobD>> The 2002 EXCom can then approve in 2002.
DaveG>> (https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/spc/sp2002.htm)
DaveG>> Thanks BobD. Any Q/C?
DaveG>> hearing none, we will move on...
DaveG>> 2c. Gold Training Proposal ...
DaveG>> https://r3-collab.eng.uab.edu/cgi-bin/dnewsweb?cmd=article&group=ieee.r3excom&item=76&utag=
DaveG>> GA SeanH
SeanH>> I have submitted a proposal for a GOLD training program to be held during SEC. The proposal is on..
SeanH>> the NG at the link listed above.
SeanH>> ...
SeanH>> The basic of the plan is to bring a 10 GOLD people to SEC to give them training on what they are supposed...
SeanH>> to do. The hope is for a 4 hour session to be led by the Region GOLD...
SeanH>> Representative. The training materials would be put together by ...
SeanH>> me (as mentor), the Region GOLD Rep, and RAB GOLD committee.
SeanH>> ...
SeanH>> The estimated budget and more detailed info is on the NG.
DaveG>> Thanks, I believe it is a total of about $4500. Q/C?
CharlesH>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesH
CharlesH>> Region 3 finances are in great shape...
CharlesH>> We have received about $70,000 more than we...
CharlesH>> have spent this year.
DaveG>> OK. Thank you for the good news Mr. Treasurer...
DaveG>> Other Q/C?
JimH>> q
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> Sean, would you be proposing a cost sharing with the Sections, Councils ...
JimH>> and other involved?
DaveG>> GA SeanH
SeanH>> That is actuall in the proposal. The Region would foot 50% of the expense, the sponsoring...
SeanH>> entity would sponsor the rest. The example that I put in to proposal had ...
SeanH>> the Region paying airfare, and the entity paying for hotel, registration and meals.
DaveG>> Hi HaldenM
DaveG>> Thanks SeanH. Other Q/C?
HaldenM>> Hi Dave
CharlesH>> q
DaveG>> GA CharlesH
CharlesH>> If it is only $4500, why not have...
CharlesH>> Region cover the total cost?
SeanH>> C
DaveG>> GA SeanH
SeanH>> The $4500 budget is based on the 50% level...
SeanH>> Here's the breakdown:
SeanH>> #1 - Airfare, Meals & Hotel for RGR to RAB GOLD Mtg - $750rn#2 - Airfare for Section GOLD Rep Travel to SEC - $350 x 10 = $3500rn#3 - Miscellaneous - $250
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
BillR>> C
DaveG>> GA BillR
BillR>> The Region could cover a higher percentage of the cost...
BillR>> but I believe that the Sections should have some "skin" in the game .
DaveG>> Thanks -- other Q/C?
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> Sean, you may want to check on room availability for the meeting ...
JimH>> we may be tight on space at the hotel.
DaveG>> Thanks JimH. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> OK, what is the group's please -- place on consent agenda or ...
DaveG>> leave for voting on action agenda?
DaveG>> Anyone opposed to consent?
DickR>> c
DaveG>> GA DickR
DickR>> I move that we place it on the consent agenda.
DaveG>> Any objections?
bwalcott>> second
DaveG>> Hearing none -- we will move it to consent and CharlesH...
DaveG>> will make sure it is in the budget presented. ...
DaveG>> Item 2d. Sponsorship of RADARCON...
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> I defer to CharlesL.
CharlesL>> Okay...
CharlesL>> If you will peek ahead to the Conferences report...
CharlesL>> https://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2001-10/conf.html ...
CharlesL>> There is an item #5 that gives detail...
CharlesL>> This is an excellent use of the $50K seed money that R3 started...
CharlesL>> and hosting tech society confs is a goal of the Region for our sections...
CharlesL>> Conf committee voted to recommend for approval of R3 to provide $6K of seed money to Huntsville section.
DaveG>> OK...
DaveG>> So this is a proposal to commit $6K with expect 15% return ...
DaveG>> in future and support a R3 / Conf. Comte. Goal. Q/C?
BobD>> c
DaveG>> GA BobD
JimB>> c
BobD>> I think Radar conferences always do well in the southeast. It should be a good investment for Huntsville and R3.
DaveG>> Thanks. GA JimB
JimB>> I am for giving financial support, biut see a manpower problem...
JimB>> If thay are doing Auto Test Con in 2002 where do the people...
JimB>> come from to do this conf.
DaveG>> Thanks. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Any other Q/C?
DaveG>> Do we wish to put this on the consent agenda?
DaveG>> (Any objections?)
JimB>> c
DaveG>> GA JimB
JimB>> didn't see any thought or answer to my q
DaveG>> I agree. Does anyone wish to respond/Comment on JimB's...
BobD>> c
DaveG>> question? (GA BobD)
BobD>> Huntsville is a good-sized section, and radar and auto test should have many interested volunteers there.
DaveG>> Thank you. Any other Q/C?
Roy>> c
DaveG>> GA Roy
DaveG>> (Hi BrianS, please introduce yourself).
Roy>> This is a good opportunity for Reg 3 to supoort Society conferences.
BrianS>> Brian Skelton, former R3 Newsl Ed
CharlesH>> q
DaveG>> Welcome BrianS. Thanks Roy. GA CharlesH
CharlesH>> What is the Auto Test Conference?
DaveG>> Q/C?
JimB>> c
DaveG>> GA JimB
JimB>> It is a shared conference. One of the sponsors is the Instrumentation & Measurement...
JimB>> society.
DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Any objection to putting it on the consent agenda?
DaveG>> Hearing none...
DaveG>> we shall place it there...
DaveG>> item 2e. I don't believe there are any bylaw changes to ...
DaveG>> consider -- is this right Bob? (I have not heard from Vernon).
BobD>> Vernon said ...
BobD>> he hopes to have any changes done by 12/31, but offhand, I don't know ...
BobD>> if there are any bylaw changes.
DaveG>> THanks. We will put the item from the action agenda...
DaveG>> for Jamaica and plan for next years meeting. Q/C?
DaveG>> Hearing none...
DaveG>> Item 2f. ExCom/Region Committee Asynchronous Voting ...
DaveG>> https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2001-10/async-voting.txt
DaveG>> ...
DaveG>> GA BillR
BillR>> OK...
BillR>> Director Riddle requested that the e-conference Committee develop an electronic voting process that will allow sufficient discussion in an asynchronous (not real time) mode. The committee has been discussing various drafts on the following News Group...
BillR>> https://r3-collab.eng.uab.edu/cgi-bin/dnewsweb?cmd=article&group=ieee.r3econf&item=1282rn(If you want to follow the discussion)...
BillR>> We believe that the process allows for sufficient discussion thus providing for an "informed vote". Provision for synchronous discussion is also included...
BillR>> I hope you have had a chance to review the motionrnhttps://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2001-10/async-voting.txt ...
BillR>> Dick, Dave or anyone else on the e-conference team wish to make a comment.
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> Sounds like you did a good job introducing it BillR...
DaveG>> any Q/C on this? It is proposed as a motion for ...
BillR>> (<G>)
DaveG>> the Excom to vote on soon and the Region Committee to consider...
Roy>> The Conference Committee Review covered two main areas: 1. Continuity and Region 3 assistance to Southeastcon. a.Conference Manual needed. b. Standardizefee schedule from year to year. C. Southeastcon Steering Committee?
DaveG>> next year.
DaveG>> (I think Roy hit the wrong button)...
DaveG>> Q/C/
DaveG>> ?
Roy>> Yes
JimB>> c
DaveG>> GA JimB
Roy>> (sorry)
JimB>> I have read over the propopsal and believe that it answers all my previous comments
DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Any objections to placing this on the consent agenda?
DaveG>> Hearing none... so it shall be...
DaveG>> Item 2g. Resolution commending Ralph Russell ...
DaveG>> GA Jackson
DaveG>> https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2001-10/jamboree.html
DanJ>> You will find the resolution link in the agenda...
DanJ>> It was submitted at Dick Riddle's request after I suggested...
DanJ>> the Excom commend Ralph for his excellent work. An independent ...
DanJ>> opinion by an assistant Scoutmaster from roanoke indicated
DanJ>> that this past year was an order of magnitude better than previous...
DanJ>> years.
DaveG>> (Hi Dennis please introduce yourself. Welcome back Roy).
Dennis>> greetings and salutations
DaveG>> Thanks Dan.
DaveG>> Q/C?
SeanH>> C
DaveG>> GA SeanH
SeanH>> I don't think there is enough praise available for the amount of effort ...
SeanH>> that Ralph put into this project. He showed a level of dedication that I have ...
SeanH>> not seen before. Now that he has time to rest, he is already beginning...
SeanH>> plans for the next Jambo.
DanJ>> c
DaveG>> Thanks SeanH, GA DanJ
DanJ>> What further does anyone suggest? perhaps a special Spark Plug award?
DaveG>> Q/C?
SeanH>> <G>
CharlesH>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesH
CharlesH>> Ralph should be nominated for a RAB award.
DaveG>> Thank you. Q/C?
DanJ>> I move the resolution be acted on separately and copy suitable for framing be sent to Ralph...
DanJ>> I believe he has been nominated for an IEEE-USA award.
DaveG>> Shall we refer the motion to the consent agenda...
DaveG>> and have DanJ and JohnTwitchell consider other appropriate actions. Q/C?
DanJ>> c
DaveG>> GA DanJ
DanJ>> The Region ought to do something separately from anything that RAB or IEEE-USA does.
DaveG>> Is this in support of the motion being placed on consent agenda...
DaveG>> or asking for something different?
DanJ>> c
DaveG>> GA DanJ
DanJ>> I think it would be more significant if the resolution were approved...
DanJ>> separately from the consent agenda. Sean could be the advocate in Jamaica as I won't be there.
DaveG>> I will interpret that as an objection on principle and leave it on the action agenda.
DaveG>> Any other Q/C?
DaveG>> Ok, item 2h. Receipt of the Conference Committee Review and Response ...
RoyH>> The conference cmte rev covered two main areas: 1. Southeastcon continuity and region 3 assistance. 2. Goals and Objectives...
DaveG>> First, Roy (in one or the other form <G>) and then CharlesH.
CharlesL>> L <g>
DaveG>> (sorry)
RoyH>> c
DaveG>> GA Roy
DaveG>> GA RoyH
RoyH>> Under SECON a recomendation for a Conf Manual that would suplement the IEEE Mnual and to cover budgets, registration forms, and other ...
RoyH>> SECON peculiar items ...
RoyH>> also have a standardized fee schedule from year to year...
RoyH>> Have a SECON Steering Committee...
RoyH>> Under G&O we need better year-end reporting on G&O progress and accomplishments.
DaveG>> Thanks. GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> Thanks Dave, and thanks Roy...
CharlesL>> Gist of response is linked on agenda...
CharlesL>> We are answering first observation with open discussion in newsgroup on manual...
CharlesL>> and also on a strawman version of a fee structure proposed by JimH...
CharlesL>> Plus the task force / steering commte that will be discussed further in a few mins...
CharlesL>> As to G&O - this is something we need to work harder on with all committees, but Conf will dedicate...
CharlesL>> work on our website to track these openly and will try to set standard <G>.
DaveG>> Thanks CharlesL, Q/C?
DaveG>> Any objection to placing receipt of both of these reports on the consent agenda?
JimB>> q
DaveG>> GA JimB
JimB>> Is the response really ready to be officially received?
DaveG>> Q/C?
RoyH>> c
DaveG>> GA RoyH
RoyH>> our bylaws only ask for committee response on their intentions.
RoyH>> c
DaveG>> Continue RoyH
RoyH>> therefore I think the committee has done some good thinking on their response.
DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Any objection to placing receipt of both of these reports on the consent agenda?
DaveG>> Hearing one... so it shall be...
DaveG>> Item 2i... Conference Committee Special Project ...
DaveG>> https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2001-10/specproj.txt ...
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> (giving time for people to read)...
CharlesL>> The link above pretty much says it all. Only addition is that the intention is to hold the class in Jan/Feb 2002.
DaveG>> So this is budget impact of $5000 for improving process. Q/C?
DaveG>> (improvements: training and support functions).,
DaveG>> Q/C?
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> Can this be done in conjunction with SEC02 to allow them to be involved in SEC as well as this training?
CharlesL>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> Intent to be before SoutheastCon is so they can go back and decide if they want to bid then come back to SoutheastCOn conf committee meeting with a strong bid...
CharlesL>> I considered doing at the conference with people bidding year later but that doesn't seem to work too well...
CharlesL>> HOWEVER, working at a conference *IS* great training and will be part of the task force's reason for being. OJT.
DaveG>> Q/C?
CharlesL>> (on the job training)
JimB>> c
DaveG>> GA JimB
JimB>> If we can get ourselves organized and be on a 5 yr plan...
HaldenM>> c
JimB>> holding the training at SEC and having the bidder come ...
JimB>> back the next yr will work fine.
DaveG>> Thank you. GA HaldenM
HaldenM>> Good project Charles. Training is critical...
HaldenM>> especially for new entrants in planning...
HaldenM>> and organizing conferences.
DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Thanks for being a trouper Roy!
DaveG>> Any objection to putting this on the consent agenda with the ...
DaveG>> training time to be worked out between Conf Committee and next year's director?
DaveG>> Hearing none, we have more items for CharlesH to enter...
DaveG>> and another item for the consent agenda...
DaveG>> That concludes the review of the action agenda...
DaveG>> we are now reviewing the consent agenda...
DaveG>> which includes approving the ExCom minutes, ...
DaveG>> the reciept of the Information Agenda reports, and the items...
DaveG>> we have tonight placed on the consent agenda...
DaveG>> Does anyone see any controversial items to either ...
DaveG>> talk about or remove from the consent agenda?
DaveG>> Hearing none...
DaveG>> We will post as stated...
DaveG>> That brings us to the the Discussion agenda...
DaveG>> Item 4a. Review of Plans for Jamaica Meeting. GA DickR
DickR>> Thanks Dave....
DickR>> in the way of a heads up I would like for Lee...
DickR>> to give his Item 4c following my few remarks....
DickR>> the next announcement that I plan on having MPS send out...
DickR>> is given on the link for my item 4a...
DickR>> Dave you may want to give that link.
DaveG>> https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2001-10/meeting-arrangements.txt
DaveG>> Q/C on Dick's Remarks?
DickR>> I would like for you to read that notice and then ask...
SeanH>> C
DickR>> questions.
DaveG>> Thanks Dick. GA SeanH
SeanH>> or actually Q...
SeanH>> Anyway, you state not to give your Credit Card. What about people coming early or ...
SeanH>> staying late? (i.e. +/- 3 days).
DickR>> c
DaveG>> GA DickR
DickR>> Yes that means that you are covered under this plan...
DickR>> as well as all attendees.
DaveG>> OTher Q/C?
JimB>> c
DaveG>> Let's jump to Lee's comments...
DaveG>> Ooops GA JimB
JimB>> Has staff already sent out confirmation codes or should I be liiking for it.
DickR>> c
DaveG>> GA DickR
DickR>> Not yet but I'll have them send them out this week.
DaveG>> Thank you -- other Q?C?
DickR>> c
DaveG>> GA DickR
DickR>> Halden do you have anything to add to this ?
HaldenM>> c
DaveG>> GA HaldenM
HaldenM>> Not much Dick...
HaldenM>> Just come on down and enjoy...
HaldenM>> the meeting +...
HaldenM>> Arrivals at the airport should....
HaldenM>> go to the Jamaica Grande reception desk and identify...
HaldenM>> themselves there... they will be taken care from there.
DickR>> c
DaveG>> GA DickR
DickR>> Thanks just one more comment all meetings are casual dress...
BobD>> # cheers!
DickR>> no coats and ties required unless you get cold <G>,
BobD>> 3 cheers!
DaveG>> Thanks!
DaveG>> OK, Lee please give your 'travel briefing' intro with the info ...
DaveG>> recently linked in (refresh but at https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2001-10/travel-security.txt).
Lee>> I travel almost weekly and my company insists that we keep security in mind...
Lee>> There are several things we should do and keep in mind...l
SeanH>> C
Lee>> 1. Make sure that MPS has your exact travel schedule so the desk at the airport will be prepared for you...
Lee>> 2. Check the R3 web site for information on Jamaica...
Lee>> Jamaica doesn't require a passport but airlines won't let you on a International flight without one...
Lee>> 3. Get a passport.
Lee>> 4. Check the Travel tips link that Dave just posted...
Lee>> 5. Check your airlines travel advisory on their web page for any last minute requirements for intl travel.
DaveG>> Thanks Lee. GA SeanH
HaldenM>> c
SeanH>> Whether you have a security clearance or not, it is recommended...
HaldenM>> On item 1, I await exact travel plans...
SeanH>> that you inform your companies security officer of your travel plans...
DaveG>> Please wait HaldenM.
SeanH>> It is required for people that have clearances.
HaldenM>> to send to the hotel for pick-ups
DaveG>> Thanks SeanH, Thanks HaldenM. I think that is coming ...
DaveG>> from MPS soon. Other Q/C?
Dennis>> There are items that will not be allowed on flights, like nailfile, etc
DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Hearing none...
DaveG>> Thank you Lee for pulling this together and others ...
DaveG>> for your contributions. We are at our time limit...
DaveG>> DickR would you like to recess the meeting till Wednesday now?
DickR>> Thanks Dave...
DickR>> I am sorry that we were not able to finish tonight...
DickR>> I am happy that all of you attended and we had an excellent meeting...
DickR>> we will look forward to seeing you Wednesday at the same time and...
DickR>> same location the meeting is in recess.
DaveG>> Thanks Dick, we will start with the remainder of the Discussion agenda and then do items 5 (information items), 6 Schedule review, and wind things up till the Excom meeting. Good night all, thanks for your participation.