Washington, DC
SC 2002 is a function of the Regional Activities Board (RAB). While RAB covers the meeting costs and a portion of the airfare for the primary delegates, room charges, incidental ground expenses, and the remainder of the airfare must be covered by others.
RAB funding provided to Region 3 for assisting Sections is based on a portion of the estimated airfare for the 43 Sections in Region 3. The amount to be allocated from RAB to Region 3 has not been determined is
[$15,750]. The average airfare between appropriate cities in Region 3 to Washington, DC has not been determined. However, the airfares will require a Saturday night stay and advance purchase.
Funding assistance from RAB is for the Primary Section Delegate. The target Delegate is the Incoming Section Chair, or the Outgoing Section Chair [a future section leader]. Based on 1999, [recent information] the on-site ground expenses are estimated at $850 [$900-1000] including three nights in the hotel, non-Congress meals, and transportation to and from the airport.
Use RAB Funds plus Region 3 Funds as necessary. Cover full airfare for one Delegate per Section (Economy/Coach, 21 day advance, Saturday night stay.) Each Section’s assistance will be based on actual airfare. Section to request funds, through the Director, PROVIDING THE NAME OF THE DELEGATE, COPY OF CONFIRMED HOTEL RESERVATION, AND ACTUAL AIRFARE AS SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE AIRLINE RECEIPT. If requested, the Region will send an advance check for the airfare about one month prior to the Congress, on receipt of information listed in the previous sentence. Airfare will be limited to the cost figure provided to Region 3 by IEEE Travel Service 30-40 days before the Congress. Check will be made payable to the Section, which will reimburse the Delegate.
Use remaining Region 3 funds to provide up to one half of the ground expenses, maximum aid, $425 [$450]. Total aid provided will be limited by the amount of remaining funds. Section must request funds, providing the justification, reason additional funds are required, commitments for available Section funds, and the 2001 Section Financial Report (L-50) filed with the Region. This requires that an additional copy of the L-50 be made and sent to the Region 3 Director. If no report is filed, the Director will rely on year-end 2001 Financial Statistics in his possession.
Part of the Region 3 supplied commitment will be reserved for funding Council and Region representatives who do not have funding from other sources. This includes speakers recommended by the Region.
Use remaining Region 3 funds, if any, for hardship cases. Section to petition the Director, justifying need and showing that Section and Delegate cannot obtain funding elsewhere. Funding for Primary Delegate attendance (estimated $1250 [$1300-1400]) is predicated on the Section funding one half the total ground costs. Funds granted under Tertiary Funding will be from unused Primary and Secondary Funding. There will be no additional financial exposure to the Region.