IEEE 3 E-Conf - September 16, 2002

DaveG>> Welcome to the "End of Summer" caucus of the ExCom to for ...

DaveG>> under the leadership of Director Howard. ...

DaveG>> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...

DaveG>> facilitator. The purpose of this caucus is to discuss things ...

DaveG>> to keep Region 3 moving and providing service to the member. This ...

DaveG>> this is a caucus so no official actions will be taken. ...

DaveG>> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...

DaveG>> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...

DaveG>> So for example: Dave Green, Secretary / ECC ...

DaveG>> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now)

CharlesL>> Charles Lord, Leadership Development

Lee2>> Lee Stogner, Membership Development

BobD>> Bob Duggan, SPC chair

JimH>> Jim Howard - R3 Director

JohnP>> John Parr, Area 8 Chair

don>> Don Hill, Confer Ch

DanJ>> Dan Jackson, SC'02 Co-coordinator

BillR>> Bill Ratcliff Communications Committee

BillHarri>> Bill Harrison, Dir Elect

DickR>> Dick Riddle, Past Dicktater.

DaveG>> Hi JoeyD, please introduce yourself.

JimB>> Jim Beall Southcon Director

DaveG>> Hi JoeyD, please introduce yourself

JoeyD>> Joey Duvall, GOLD Cmte. Chair/SAC Protege <grin>

DaveG>> (thanks)

DaveG>> Hi bwalcott (please introduce yourself)

bwalcott>> Hi dave, hi all

bwalcott>> bruce walcott, rsac

DaveG>> CharlesH said he would be about 30m late, EricA, ChipD & JohnT said they could not attend.

DaveG>> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

DaveG>> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

DaveG>> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

DaveG>> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...

DaveG>> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...

DaveG>> will resume 'control'. ...

DaveG>> Again, the proposed agenda is located at ...


DaveG>> At this time, I would like to invite Director Howard to ...

DaveG>> make any comments he would like to... GA (Go Ahead) JimH.

JimH>> thanks Dave, and thank you all for joining us tonight and getting your reports in ...

JimH>> to our director-elect. I have read over all of the reports submitted and stand ready ...

JimH>> to help (or get others to help <G>) with any committee/area that sees a need ...

JimH>> for help from the region.

DaveG>> (Hi BrianS, please introduce yourself)

BrianS>> Brian Skelton, Area 6 chair.

DaveG>> Thanks & Welcome. Any Q/C for JimH?

DaveG>> Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? Q/C?

DaveG>> Hearing none...

DaveG>> we will begin with . Director's Comments -> GA (again) JimH

JimH>> Thanks Dave, I believe my report has been posted and covers the areas I wanted ...

JimH>> everyone to be aware of.

DaveG>> 10-4. Q/C for JImH

DaveG>> Past Director Report, GA DickR

DickR>> No additional comments other than what was in my report....

BillHarri>> 2002 Region 3 Section Survey

BillHarri>> oops, sorry

DickR>> except that we should get the Section boundries resolved so ...

DickR>> that we can move on with updates to our Section Bylaws.

DaveG>> Thanks Dick, Q/C for DickR?

DaveG>> Secretary's report is on the web, any Q/C regarding it?

DaveG>> We will defer the Treasurer's report till CharlesH joins us....

DaveG>> Director-Elect's Report -> GA BillHarri (Section Survey is item 7b on discussion agenda).

BillHarri>> My report is posted, no further comments...

BillHarri>> I do want to make comments on the section survey when the time comes.

DaveG>> Thanks (& roger-wilco) BillHarri, Q/C?

JimH>> q

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Bill, do you plan to follow-up with the committees and areas that have not submitted a report?

DaveG>> GA BillHarri

BillHarri>> I can do that,

DaveG>> Thanks. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> Next is the discussion agenda, ...

DaveG>> 7a. Sections Congress 2002

DaveG>> - general comments

DaveG>> - hotel room billing issue

DaveG>> - Region 3 Caucus

DaveG>> Jackson, Howard,

DaveG>> Jackson, Hickman

DaveG>> Green 7b. Section Survey (pdf) Harrision 7c. Remote Meetings Green, Lord 7d. Sections Congress 2002 & Region Howard / Jackson 7e. Sections Congress 2005 Howard 7f. Fall Meeting, Knoxville TN, Nov 23-24 Howard 7g. Southeastcon 2004 General Chair Hill, Howard 7h.

DaveG>> (oops, that did not come out pretty...

DaveG>> )

DaveG>> Any other items to add to this (we will do Information agenda after ...

DaveG>> the discussion items) Q/C?

DaveG>> I might propose we add an item 7h "ExCom Focus Areas" for a bit of discussion time permitting.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, lets go to 7a: Sections Congress ...

DaveG>> I have three sub items: ...

DaveG>> 1. General Comments, 2. hotel billing issues 3. Reg 3 caucus ...

DaveG>> DanJ would you start us off with any general comments you would like to make?

DanJ>> No. MY comments follow re: hotel billin. Hotel charges are paid by IEEE RAB. Tracy Hawkins would like to bill the Region directly. There is a problem with this for Region 3....

DanJ>> She can do it differently but it will not be as convenient for her. Delegates will pay there room charges at the IEEE registration desk not the hotel desk.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> R3 plan has been for all expenses to be channeled thru the Section. We cancontinue this procedure if the delegates use their own credit card as inthe past.

DaveG>> DanJ -> is there a difference in $$$ between what R3 is paying the ...

DaveG>> section and what the room bill would be?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DaveG>> (Hi CharlesH, please introduce yourself)

CharlesH>> Charles Hickman

DaveG>> (our fine Treasurer)

DanJ>> Not that I am aware of. The hotel charge is $184.50 per night. This is a special rate by IEEE paying th hotel for all the rooms and then collecting from the delegates.

DaveG>> Q/C?

BillR>> q

DaveG>> GA BillR

JimB>> c

DanJ>> The Region will only pay the Section for the airfare of the primary delegate and half the ground expenses not to exceed $450.

BillR>> Are the reservations made directky with the hotel and do they track them or does IEEE do that?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> The hotel reservations are made through IEEE.

DaveG>> Thanks. GA JimB

JimB>> Is IEEE paying to obtain a tax break? I think DC gives us one...

CharlesH>> q

DanJ>> c

JimB>> If so it has to be paid by an IEEE Check.

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> Yes, IEEE is paying the hotel to obtain the tax break. The Delegates will pay IEEE for the hotal room.

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> Sorry I am late. Have we discussed billing to Region 3?

DaveG>> We are dancing around that issue...

DaveG>> It seems that 3 * 184.50 is $553.50 and the Region is ...

DaveG>> by present policy only paying $450 (non-extra grants) ...

DaveG>> leaving an issue about the difference and then issues when the ...

DaveG>> "stay" is longer than 3 days. Q/C?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> Dancing not intended to be a bad thing <G>. GA DanJ

DanJ>> The remainder of the on ground expenses is to be paid by the Section as its share of the delegates expenses.

DaveG>> Thanks Dan. Q/C?

DaveG>> What is our best guess for number of sections attending? 30?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> We should get another report from Tracy this week. I'll look up the last report and get back to youlater on that.

DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> I gather doing "one-off's" at Sections Congress is considered a big problem -- correct?

DanJ>> q

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> Don't understand you.

DaveG>> "one-offs" meaning the staff having to deal with each R3 attendee on a one at a time basis.

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> I gather it could be but other regions have different plans for funding their delegates. Tracy is willing to handle as I described...

DanJ>> She is planning to send an email to all delegates sugesting they get a check from ...

DanJ>> their section payable to IEEE for the amount of the room if they don't wish to

DanJ>> carry the charge on their credit card

DaveG>> Thanks. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> If we increase funding to the sections to cover this ($3K to $4.5K extra cost) ...

DaveG>> would it be worth it for convenience & to support the attendance?

DaveG>> Q/C?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> Probably would be more convenient. Hard to say if it would help attendance. As of 2 Sept have 30 primary delegtes and five(?) speakers.

DaveG>> 10-4. Q/C?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> As this is a caucus how can we change the approved funding plan now?

DaveG>> Well, we have the big boss here who I guess can make changes ...

DaveG>> I would propose we take a straw vote to give JimH some guidance from ...

DaveG>> the group present. ...

DaveG>> Vote Y if you support changing the funding plan to cover the room charge ...

DaveG>> vote N if you feel things should be left as is. This is non-binding straw vote ...

DaveG>> but I am sure JimH would appreciate the input. Vote now.

DanJ>> N

bwalcott>> N

BobD>> n

CharlesL>> n

BillR>> n

don>> A

Lee2>> No

DickR>> N

BillHarri>> n

CharlesH>> n

CharlesH>> c

DaveG>> That is clear <G>. GA CharlesH

BrianS>> n

JimB>> n

JoeyD>> A

JohnP>> n

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> Anything to muddy the waters. We can use "creative accounting"...

CharlesH>> to have the hotel charges sent to the Region...

CharlesH>> The travel charges should exceed the $102 difference...

CharlesH>> I was trying to limit the exposure of our delegates.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ.

DanJ>> Having the delegates pay their ow hotel bill and then get reimbursed by the Section is the way we have done thepast two congresses. Seemed to work fine.

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Let me see if I can bring this discussion down....

DickR>> to ground level, As I understand the delegate....

DickR>> turns in and expense report to his Section for all expenses...

DickR>> and the Section reimburses him for all his/her expenses...

DickR>> then the Section sends the expense report with attached...

DickR>> receipts to the Region 3 Director who approved some of it....

DickR>> based on some sort of rules and then send it on the Region 3...

DickR>> Treasurer to reimburse the Section for the amount the Region is...

DickR>> willing to pay. Is that how it works?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

BillHarri>> c

DanJ>> Correct. and the Rules are based on the Region 3 Funding Plan approved last April.

DaveG>> GA BillHarri

BillHarri>> Not to add to the confusion...

BillHarri>> but I thought the IEEE was handling the bill directly...

BillHarri>> to get the hotel rate down from $205 to $184.

DaveG>> Yes...

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> OK, GA DanJ

DanJ>> correct again. But someone has to reimburse IEEE RAB.

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> I think we have worked around this...

DaveG>> we have decided to leave things alone and use our thought through and ...

DaveG>> published rules. I think we should let CharlesH and DanJ work on the ...

DaveG>> "edges" to help out as possible but stay within the published guidelines -- Q/C?

DickR>> ``c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> How long will the Section have to wait until they get reimbursed?

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> Depends on the pace of the approval process. Checks are...

CharlesH>> usally written in a timely manner... The major difference...

CharlesH>> in this Congress and the past two was the direct billing...

CharlesH>> by IEEE.

DaveG>> (Hi Roy, please introduce yourself and your position)

DaveG>> Moving on ...

DaveG>> (if OK with group)...


DaveG>> gives the plans for allowing remote participation for ...

DaveG>> the Region 3 Caucus part of the pre-sections congress activities...

DaveG>> This will be Friday day-time, require two phone lines for full participation, ...

DaveG>> and might serve as both a learning activity for Southeastcon 2003 ...

DaveG>> activities and perhaps other remote meetings (item 7c). Q/C?

CharlesH>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> We may want to invite selected delegates from...

CharlesH>> other regions. There was some interest in the e-conference...

CharlesH>> concept in a meeting I attended this last weekend.

DaveG>> OK. We can take that back to e-conf and discuss. You are welcome to join us ...

DaveG>> and tell us more. Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, the cited URL also has the intended on site agenda -- comments welcome both now and by e-mai or Newsgroup.

DaveG>> Let's move on to 7b. Section Survey -> BillHarri , Please GA

BillHarri>> I hope everyone had a chance to look at the section survey results...

BillHarri>> I did not try to analyze and extract any wisdom...

BillHarri>> from the feedback, but I propose we attempt to learn from the input...

BillHarri>> from sections and decide on specific ExCom actions in response...

BillHarri>> Can we put discussion and action item decisions on the agenda...

BillHarri>> for SC 2002 and for Knoxville?

DaveG>> Thanks BillHarri. (Roy, welcome -- please introduce yourself and position)

DaveG>> BillHarri -> I can add to the agendas for discussion (assuming it is OK with JimH) but ...

DaveG>> I don't know what you would like to put on the action agenda?

BillHarri>> Let's discuss it on the conference call and at SC 2002.

DaveG>> OK.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Shall we move to "Remote Meetings"? ...

DaveG>> This item starts with an overlap with the Sections Congress one ...

DaveG>> as we are trying to involve remote members in the R3 part of ...

DaveG>> Sections Congress (and I think this has been covered) and then includes ...

DaveG>> a proposal (or draft of one) for remote meetings for section use...

DaveG>> CharlesL: would you like to present this now?

CharlesL>> Sure...

CharlesL>> As Dave said, our local section is looking to re-vitalize two inactive subsections...

CharlesL>> One aid to this would be a way to present current section mtgs remotely...

CharlesL>> They came up with an ambitious proposal, but it was $$$'y...

CharlesL>> I have proposed a feasibility study with what is "out there" now...

CharlesL>> This could apply to our efforts to include the "homebound" in our early SC02 meeting...

CharlesL>> but has many other apps in IEEE business. The link is in the agenda (update page if no link).

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> So I guess this is a chance to give Charles some feedback ...

DaveG>> and suggest how to proceed. Q/C?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Give us the agenda URL again. I could not find it.



DaveG>> is agenda, Charles gave proposal page

DickR>> Thanks I got it now.

BillHarri>> c

DaveG>> GA BillHarri

BillHarri>> Let's do all we can to make this project successful...

BillHarri>> the RAB

BillHarri>> rejucenation subcommittee can transfer the concept to...

BillHarri>> other regions, such as R8, where struggling units are even more remote.

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Charles have you looked at the cost of the attendee?

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

DaveG>> Ooops CharlesL

CharlesL>> We are going to look at what is available to keep the attendee cost to a minimum (perhaps free), same as e-conf philosophy.

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> As I understand the proposal the attendee must be at...

DickR>> the test location and not at home as we are now Right?

CharlesL>> Not necessarily...

CharlesL>> Test can be just like tonight, except one of us would be a presenter with audio and powerpoint broadcast to all...

CharlesL>> feedback in this case would be our traditional IRC.

DickR>> 10-4

DaveG>> Thank you. I think the proposal can be tuned and the folks here ...

DaveG>> can be thinking about funding mechanisms to help with this (or where ...

DaveG>> to push). Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, on to Sections Congress 2002 & Region -> probably "overkill" to have this ...

DaveG>> again -> any things need to be said that have not?

DaveG>> OK, JimH -> anything on Sections Congress 2005 tonight?

JimH>> not at this time.

DaveG>> OK.

DaveG>> On to the fall meeting ...

DaveG>> It will be in Knoxville TN Nov 23-24 following rather usual format...

DaveG>> with SPC on Friday night I assume. Hotel is still being negotiated through...

DaveG>> MPS. JimH -> anything you would like to add here?

JimH>> just that I hope all will plan to attend.

DaveG>> Q/C?

CharlesH>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> Welcome to my old home town!

DaveG>> Thanks. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, Southeastcon 2004 General Chair --> I don't think one has been chosen...

DaveG>> any announcements/action items need here? Q/C?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> I bugged ChipD and the NC Central folks about it yesterday...

DickR>> but so far not reply. I'll keep trying and let you know...

DickR>> how I make out.

DaveG>> Thanks DickR. Any other Q/C?

DaveG>> Item 7h...

DaveG>> In looking at the Communications Committee, a committee with ...

DaveG>> a lot of subcommitees, they have taken to meeting together ...

DaveG>> via e-conf and working on several related issues together ...

DaveG>> getting some benefits of synergy and just "more eyes, hearts, and minds" on the problem, ...

DaveG>> and I was wondering if there were any major foci that the ExCom should ...

DaveG>> consider in a similar fashion. I brought it up to a few folks ...

DaveG>> and thus this item on the agenda. Any Q/C?

BillHarri>> c

DaveG>> GA BillHarri

BillHarri>> Maybe we can look at the section survey...

BillHarri>> and think about what services the region can and should be...

BillHarri>> providing our members...and come up with one or more projects that can be...

BillHarri>> jointly worked on by multiple Region "disciplines"...

BillHarri>> Let's put that on the table with discussions about the survey feedback.

DaveG>> OK. Q/C?

CharlesH>> c

DaveG>> I am sure the e-conf folks would remind us that there is an ExCom newsgroup for this as well. GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> Unfortunately, I do not believe most Section members...

CharlesH>> are aware of what the Region can offer. We need to...

CharlesH>> "advertise" what the role of the Region is.

BillHarri>> c

DaveG>> GA BillHarri

BillHarri>> I think CharlesH read the survey results.

DaveG>> <G> Other Q/C?

DaveG>> Sounds like a good item for rolling out at the R3 Sections Congress meeting.

BillHarri>> c

DaveG>> GA BillHarri

BillHarri>> Challenge: everyone come to the meeting with an idea or suggestion based on ...

BillHarri>> what he/she read in the survey...

BillHarri>> I think we should respond to the sections and members and let them know we hear them.

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

DaveG>> Shall we move to the information agenda?

DaveG>> OK, in the interest of efficiency, we are going to go through the ...

DaveG>> information agenda with the following approach, ...

DaveG>> I will mention the information item, the 'owner' will say either Y or N ...

DaveG>> depending on whether they wish to make additional comments and ...

DaveG>> members will say Q or C if they have a question or comment on a particular ...

DaveG>> item. My goal is just to make sure we spend our time on discussing ...

DaveG>> those items that members feel needs discussion rather than ...

DaveG>> merely going over items that have been clearly reported and need ...

DaveG>> no further discussion. Unless asked to do otherwise, I will start with ...

DaveG>> item 6 on the information agenda as we have already gone over officer reports...

DaveG>> Q/C on process?

DaveG>> Objections to starting with item 6?

DaveG>> Awards & Recognitiion -> report on-line, any Q/C?

DaveG>> Communications -> BillR GA

BillR>> n

DaveG>> Q/C for them?

DaveG>> Q for group... Does anyone have a copy of the "special projects guidelines"?

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> Archive -> any Q/C?

DaveG>> ECC (no additional comments) Q/C?

DaveG>> Newsletter -> Q/C?

don>> c

DaveG>> GA don

don>> do we plan to have a 'paper' newsletter this fall or next spring?

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> BillR -> Am I correct that we seem to be in the one paper edition per year...

DaveG>> mode with that edition going to all members?

BillR>> ( yes... in support of SoutheastCon)

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Public Information Q/C?

DaveG>> Webmaster Q/C?

DaveG>> Conferences -> GA don

don>> c

DaveG>> GA don

don>> three things...

don>> 1. we need bids for SEC05, etc

don>> 2. we need to support our students efforts to get to SEC02...

don>> opps...SEC 03. 3. plan to attend SEC03.

DaveG>> Q/C?

bwalcott>> c

DaveG>> GA bwalcott

bwalcott>> We are devoting one of the afternoon...

bwalcott>> workshops in our SLTWs to Don's issue #2.

DaveG>> Good. Q/C?

JoeyD>> c

DaveG>> GA JoeyD

JoeyD>> We all know how important student attendance is to SEC - please submit any ideas/suggestions, ...

JoeyD>> if any of you has them, RE how we can help make this easier on our students this year! Thanks.

DaveG>> Q/c?

DaveG>> Don, are we "behind" on Southeastcon "awarding" or on schedule?

don>> behind.

BillHarri>> q

DaveG>> 10-4. GA BillHarri

BillHarri>> Wasn't Atlanta interested in 2005, Don?

DaveG>> GA don

don>> yes, but no bid. Actually, the student group wanted to host.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> GA DanJ

DanJ>> Sotheastcon in Blacksburg was originally the Student Branch idea.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

BillHarri>> c

bwalcott>> c

DaveG>> GA BillHarri

CharlesL>> c

BillHarri>> Shouldn't we woo them?

DaveG>> GA bwalcott

bwalcott>> thanks...the GA Tech...

bwalcott>> group has really turned around the past 3 years...

bwalcott>> they are anxious to show-off their wares...

bwalcott>> like to encourage them as much as possible.

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> I think that this issue needs to be a big part of our publicity and training that we are discussion re the survey.

BillHarri>> c

DaveG>> GA BillHarri

JimB>> c

BillHarri>> If you all will give me the message/invitation/steps, I will take it to the next Atlanta Section mtg.

DaveG>> GA JimB

JimB>> No matter how, we still need section support we had it in VA Mt

DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> Any Q/C on any of the Southeastcons?

DaveG>> Southcon -> JimB, DickR?

JimB>> n

DaveG>> Any Q/C?

DaveG>> Any news on Radarcon?

don>> c

DaveG>> GA don

don>> I last emailed them over a month ago about money issues. All seemed ok.

DaveG>> thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Southeastcon Support Committee, CharlesL GA

CharlesL>> SECon 02 registration went well, we have not been asked to provide services to '03 yet and stand ready.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> The Southeastcon 2003 folks help in '02, did they, at that time, sound like ...

DaveG>> they wanted to continue this?

CharlesL>> Yes, I anticipate some minimal help but '03 will do much more of their own than '02.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Thanks Charles.

DaveG>> Special Project Training Report, GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> I will be presenting at SC02 on this workshop and will have a report afterwards.

DaveG>> OK. Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Educational Activities -> Q/C?

DaveG>> Finance Committee (and Treasurer's report) -> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> I failed to note in my update that our total...

CharlesH>> assets are about $284k.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Membership Development -> Lee2

Lee2>> N, please read my report and visit

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Prof. Activities -> Q/C?

DaveG>> PACE -> Q/C? (I linked in the article where George McClure is quoted)

DaveG>> USAB Employment Assistance -> Q/C?

DaveG>> N&A -> GA DickR

DickR>> n

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Strategic Planning -> GA BobD

BobD>> n

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Student Activities -> GA bwalcott

bwalcott>> nothing further to add

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 1/VA Council -> Q/C?

DanJ>> c

DaveG>> ga DanJ

DanJ>> Meeting scheduled Sept 28

DaveG>> Thanks. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 2/NC Council -> Q/C? (Chip sent mail he could not join us)

DaveG>> Area 3 -> Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 4 / Florida Council (Eric send mail he could not join us) -> Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 5 / Tennessee Council -> Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 6 -> GA BrianS

BrianS>> 3 very active sections, most getting geared up after summer season.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> (Hi HaldenM, please introduce yourself)

DaveG>> Area 7 / SC Council -> Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 8 -> GA JohnP

JohnP>> n

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

HaldenM>> Hi Dave, Halden Morris, Area 9 Chair, SoutheastCon 03 Chair

DaveG>> Welcome, we are just to your item on the information agenda...

DaveG>> do you have any comments about Area 9 or Southeastcon 2003 that ...

DaveG>> you would like to emphasize, we have your reports on both. GA HaldenM

HaldenM>> Thanks, Please excuse my late arrival

HaldenM>> Just to say...

HaldenM>> we are putting all we can in place...

HaldenM>> to have a successful conference.

DaveG>> Great! Q/C?

DaveG>> Moving to the Ad Hoc Committees...

HaldenM>> c

DaveG>> GA HaldenM

HaldenM>> On the question of air fair...

HaldenM>> Air Jamaica as well as American has agreed to...

HaldenM>> discount fairs by 20% for those registering...

HaldenM>> through IEEE travel agency. Air J will carry a professor...

HaldenM>> free with registration of 15 students.

DaveG>> OK. Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, ...

DaveG>> Thanks again HaldenM, looking forward to it. Corp Relations -> GA BillHarri

BillHarri>> Corp Relations Committee working with the Atlanta Section and Lockheed Martin to plan an "Association Day" ...

BillHarri>> at LM during E-week. nothing more.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> E-Conf -> GA BillR

BillR>> nothing additional ... e-conferencing Committee status contained in Communications Committee Report.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Gold Rep -> GA JoeyD

JoeyD>> Apologies for not having a report for prior distribution; I will paste the $.02 synopsis...

JoeyD>> One new GOLD Affinity group formed this year (FWCS)....

JoeyD>> Ideas discussed for getting activities underway include joint PACE & SB events. Searching for other champions in other areas...

JoeyD>> As with other entities, the most difficulty seems to be maintaining enthusiasm and active involvement, post-formation...

JoeyD>> As well, communication with the other 3 existing groups has been sparse...

JoeyD>> this is an area I see for much improvement.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Any prospects for other Affinity Group formations in R3?

JoeyD>> c

DaveG>> GA JoeyD

JoeyD>> Interest has been expressed, and invitations have been extended (locally, w/in Central FL) ...

JoeyD>> w.r.t. conducting information sessions at EXCOMMs - ...

JoeyD>> it's a matter of getting interested volunteers to REMAIN interested, I'm afraid.

DaveG>> 10-4. Thanks. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> History -> Q/C?

DaveG>> Leadership Development -> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> I look forward to working with the A/C Chairs to lead workshops in their areas. Have powerpoints, will travel.

DaveG>> Q/C?

JimB>> c

DaveG>> GA JimB

JimB>> It has been a while since we have heard frm the istory Chair

DaveG>> 10-4. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> Region life member coord -> Q/C?

DaveG>> S/C Coordination -> BillHarri GA

BillHarri>> n

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> 2002 Sections Congress -> DanJ GA

DanJ>> We have beat this horse enough tonight. Will be sending out updates to all sections in Sept.

DaveG>> <G> Q/C?

DaveG>> Special Projects -> Q/C?

DaveG>> Sepcial Review Committee -> Q/C? (Roy did not have good luck connecting)

DaveG>> Any other items?

DaveG>> Director Howard, I believe we have completed the agenda, ...

DaveG>> do you have any comments you would like to make?

JimH>> Just a quick one ...

JimH>> I want to thank everyone for partipating tonight and to encourage each of the committee ...

JimH>> chair and area chairs to move forward with their G&O's in preperation for the Nov excom. ...

JimH>> Jim.

DaveG>> Thanks Jim.

DaveG>> Any q/c?

DaveG>> JimH, bwalcott -> any announcements on RSR?

bwalcott>> c

DaveG>> GA bwalcott

bwalcott>> Trish Davis, the co-chair of Secon 02

bwalcott>> is interested.

bwalcott>> she has Joey-itis

Lee2>> c

DaveG>> GA Lee2

bwalcott>> in that she is waiting a semester to go to grad school

Lee2>> If this is the R3 person that is the delegate to the S-PAC committee...

Lee2>> then the S-PAC committee thinks it is Chris Ruffin.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Something to sort out off-line?

DaveG>> bwalcott: can you take the lead on this and get back to Director Howard?

bwalcott>> roger

DaveG>> thanks. ...

DaveG>> JimH -> would you like to adjourn the meeting?

JimH>> certainly, meeting is adjourned - night to all.

David Green
Last modified: Mon Sep 16 22:06:43 CDT 2002