IEEE Region 3, Area 8 Report November 15, 2002 The Area 8 Chair?s Goals for 2002, as established in January 2002, are: 1. Resolve the situation with the Paducah Subsection. The subsection has been inactive for several years. Result: This goal has been partially achieved. See the Evansville-Owensboro Section report below. 2. Identify a Vice Chair for Area 8. Result: Tony Richardson, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Evansville is currently serving as the Area 8 Vice Chair. 3. Make sure all sections have their reports in on time (Meetings, Officers and Financial) Result: I understand that this goal was achieved. 4. Make contact with all section chairs within your Area at least four times this year. Result: This goal was not achieved. 5. Ensure that all sections are aware of, and encourage them to send a representative to, SoutheastCon 2002 in Columbia, SC. Result: The goal of awareness and encouragement was achieved. However, only the Evansville-Owensboro and Lexington sections were represented at Southeastcon. 6. Ensure that all sections are aware of, and encourage them to send a representative to, Section Congress 2002 in Washington, DC. Result: This goal of encouragement was achieved, however only the Evansville-Owensboro and Lexington sections sent representatives to the Sections Congress. Area 8 Section Reports. Paul Kuban, Chair of the Evansville-Owensboro Section reports that the section has been enjoying another year of excellent programs and continues to provide support to the community and local IEEE Student Chapters. The section plans to again support the University of Evansville (UE) Engineering Banquet in 2003. Because Southeastcon 2003 is being held in Jamaica, the Section has been advertising in the newsletter for financial help in order to generate travel funds for students. The Section also plans to make contributions to USI and UE for this cause. A continuing concern is that of the Paducah Subsection.. Chairman Kuban has communicated with Vicki Waldman regarding the issue, and she agreed that she would notify the appropriate contact persons regarding official dissolution of the subsection. As reported by Bill Wilson, Lexington Section Chair, the Lexington section has enjoyed a successful 2002 by holding meetings and participating in several activities this year. Joint meetings were held with the student branch with the intent to foster the relationship between the professional and student members. Two major goals for the Lexington Section in the next year will be improving the efficiency of meeting/event notification for our members and determining ways to increase member attendance at meetings. The Lexington section has meetings planned for the remainder of the year. November?s meeting will be a PACE meeting to provide more assistance and guidance for our members? professional development. December?s meeting will be a joint meeting with the Louisville, KY Section. For 2003, the Lexington section has planned participation in SOUTHEASTCON '03 in Jamaica and Engineering Week in the spring. Concerns of the Lexington Section for the coming year are: Member Attendance, Student Involvement, and Member Employment. Respectfully submitted, John M. Parr Area 8 Chair