To: Region 3 ExCom From: Communications Committee Subject: Status Report -- Summary of 2002 The status report submitted in August 2002 reflects the progress made toward the 2002 Strategic Plan along with the following additions... Sections Congress 2002 provided several additional opportunities for Region 3 to provide information, training and test new approaches to include members that could not attend face to face. The Region 3 Caucus on Friday October 18 included a conference call, IRC Chat area and a limited test of video via NetMeeting. This is in line with our proposed project on Remote Meetings. Progress has been made in the implementation of e-conferencing methodologies support within some of the committees. There is much more to be done to achieve the effectiveness and efficiencies that are possible. How can the Communications Committee help you? The plans for 2003 are being formulated and discussed on line at ... Please add your requirements to the mix. You are always welcome to join us at any of our meetings, the next scheduled e-conference of the Communications Committee is Monday , 18 November 2002 at 9:00PM EST the agenda is located at... I personally want to thank everyone on the committee for their commitment, dedicated effort and expertise that is shared with Region 3 and all of IEEE. Our mentor, Dick Riddle, is not only a source of wisdom and insight but also participates directly in the various projects. See you at the Region 3 ExCom e-conference 11/20/2002 at 9:00PM EST _ |_)0 |_)||_|_ William B. Ratcliff e-mail ============== Addendum to Communications Committee Status Report 11/20/2002 In an effort to determine the Communications Committee's direction for 2003, we would propose using the gathering in Knoxville as an opportunity to meet with the individual standing / ad hoc Committees , Area / Council, etc to determine your requirements for enhanced communications. Rather than asking you to try to attend a meeting of the Communications Committee, we would like to attend as many of your meetings as possible given the number in attendance. So, we are asking each committee Chair to add a few minutes to your committee's agenda on Saturday morning, if your committee is planning to meet, to explore the following questions... What do you need from the Communications Committee to better utilize e-conferencing? What support do you need for your web site? What material can your committee supply for the Newsletter ( electronic and hardcopy)? What changes in electronic communications are needed to better support your meetings? If your Committee is not meeting we would still like to discuss your communications needs . The Communications Committee will then compile the results of the discussions and present the objectives and associate projects in January. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments... I'll see you at the e-conference tonight and in Knoxville over the weekend. (there is also e-mail, Newsgroups, TWiki, IRC...) Thanks, _ |_)0 |_)||_|_ William B. Ratcliff Chair, Region 3 Communications Committee 2002 Chair, Region 3 e-Conferencing Committee 2002 e-mail