Conference Committee Report for Region 3 Submitted for Excom meeting Nov 23, 2002 SEC02 The Columbia Section held a successful conference this year. The committee is in the process of closing all accounts and submitting all reports to the Region and HQ. SEC03 The Jamaican Section is meeting regularly to finalize plans for the 2003 conference. The hotel contract has been signed. The preliminary budget has been approved. At Sections Congress, we asked how many sections will attend and were pleased with the positive response. Please make your plans today to attend April 4, 5, 6, 2003. Please visit the Southeastcon website for full details. The SEC03 committee is still accepting papers for presentation at the conference. In your section, please decide who will be attending, then proceed to apply for a passport, renew a passport, or find your passport, then budget for travel. Sections should encourage and help students attend this conference. Students will need your help. Students will have the traditional competitions: paper contest, hardware contest, software contest, etc. SEC04 The Greensboro Section has stepped up their efforts to bring you a great conference in 2004. The committee organized itself and found a mentor to help. Conference Registration Charles Lord and his subcommittee continue to refine and improve the registration software for conference registration. Charles and his committee successfully used the registration software at Columbia this year. SOUTHCON The SOUTHCON 2002 conference was successful in that the conference continued momentum. Revenue and attendance was less than expected and desired. SOUTHCON 2003 plans to learn from these hard times. The committee can use your help to identify potential vendors who will purchase a booth and requests your mentioning the conference in your section newsletters and web pages. SEC 05, etc Four sections have expressed interest in holding future SEC's. Memphis, Atlanta, Ft Lauderdale, and Jacksonville are all interested. This committee will entertain bids for any future year; your section may want 2007; step up to the challenge. I would like to personally thank all those hard working conference volunteers who have made this a great year in Region 3. Find your passport and we will see you in Jamaica. Regards, Don Hill Region 3 Conference Chair 2002