2002 Year-End Report - Region 3 Corporate Relations Committee Bill Harrison, Chair We are continuing our work with the Atlanta Section and Lockheed Martin to support a Lockheed Martin "Association Day" just after E-Week next year. Lockheed Martin will provide tables or booths to help promote the IEEE and other engineering societies to its engineering staff. Since Lockheed Martin, Marietta, GA, has major facilities on the North and South sides of the runway at Dobbins AFB, we expect to have two days of opportunity to promote the IEEE to Lockheed Martin engineers. We need to recruit additional volunteers to participate in the Region's Industry Relations activities. Please contact me if you know of a volunteer who would be willing to work at the Section/Chapter level. Also, we need a Chair, Vice-Chair, and committee members for the Region 3 Corporate Relations Committee. Please let me know if you are interested, or can identify prospective candidates.