From: Bill Harrison Subject: 2002 Year-End Report - Region 3 Director-Elect To: R3 Excom 2002 Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 21:28:54 -0500 My Director-Elect activities this year included attending the IEEE Regional Activities Board (RAB) meetings held in conjunction with the IEEE Board of Directors meetings in February and June. I serve on the Rejuvenation Subcommittee of the Section & Chapter Support Committee and I serve on the RAB Industry Relations Committee. I also Chair the Region 3 Corporate Communications Ad Hoc Committee (and, by the way, we need a volunteer to replace me in that position). 2002 Region 3 Section Survey We reviewed and discussed the results of the Region 3 Section Survey at the Region 3 ExCom meeting in Washington, DC. This discussion formed a part of the issue development process for Region 3's input to the Sections Congress 2002 Recommendations voted on by SC 2002 Delegates. Ad Hoc Committee of the Region 3 Strategic Planning Committee I chair an ad hoc committee of the Region 3 Strategic Planning Committee. As reported previously, this ad hoc group is looking at possible inconsistencies between the roles of, and voting by, Standing and Ad Hoc Committees (and the chairs) in the R3 ExCom and the R3 Committee. We are also concerned about the differences between Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees, the allowed numbers of each (and who can vote). Recommendations will be brought to SPC (and then to ExCom) for clarifying the Region 3 policy, and thus for future revisions to the Bylaws and Operations Manual. We plan to provide a preliminary report to the Region 3 ExCom at SoutheastCon 2003. After considering comments and feedback from the Region Committee and the Region 3 ExCom, we will then develop our final recommendations for approval in the Fall of 2003.