Region 3 Director's Report Jim Howard - November 16, 2002 Board Level Work My first year as director has been full of challenges and opportunities. I have represented you on the IEEE Board of Directors (BoD), Regional Activities Board (RAB), and the IEEE-USA Board, to the best of my ability. Additionally, I have served on the IEEE Audit Committee, the Regional Activities Strategic Planning Committee, the IEEE Business Rules Ad Hoc Simplification Committee, and the Operational Review Ad Hoc Committee. On these Boards and Committees, we are continually making decisions that affect the Institute, its Regions, Sections, Chapters and Student Branches. Many of these decisions are neither simple nor easy, and require a tremendous amount of discussion as well as a willingness to see others opinions and points of view. During the next year, I will continue to represent you on all the standing committees and Boards, as well as others as requested, and effective January 1st will begin my term as Chair of the IEEE Audit Committee. Also in January we will have a RAB Strategic Planning Committee Retreat to put together the RAB Strategic Plan for 2003-2004, which will be followed in February with an IEEE Strategic Planning Retreat. Region Level Work At the beginning of my term, I asked that each Committee Chair put together a list of Goals for their committees. It was important to me to have an understanding of what each of the committees felt were their major concerns that they wanted to work on for the upcoming year. During the year, we have requested each of the Committee Chairs to report on their progress on these goals, and we are again asking for updates for this Region 3 Executive Committee meeting. One of the goals I recommended for each committee was to have at least one E-Conference for the committee. This was suggested in order to encourage more communications within the committees. Some of the key issues that the Region has been working on include: · Rejuvenation of delinquent Sections, Sub-Sections, and Chapter. · Making sure all Sections have submitted their required reports to IEEE. · Making sure all Sections and Chapters have the required Signatures on their various bank accounts. · Providing support for all Sections, Chapters, Student Branches, and Councils. Hopefully each of you feels, as I do, that we have been making progress on these, as well as other issues at the Region level. I have looked at many ways to try to keep the lines of communication open and keep moving ahead on the issues mentioned. One of these includes the recent use of a bi-weekly to tri-weekly conference call. Due to costs concerns, we are have a limited number of telephone lines for the conference calls, and as such, have been rotating through the committee chairs. Normally on the conference calls we have the Past, Current, and Director-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Strategic Planning Committee Chair, along with various Committee Chairs as requested. These calls have worked very well in keeping everyone on board with the concerns and goals for the Region. Additionally, I have called on the Past Director and Director Elect to assist me in having a presence at as many of the Area and Council, as well as Section meetings as possible. They have been invaluable in keeping the Region on track and I sincerely appreciate their help and dedication to the Region. In order to keep you informed as to reports being presented to the Regional Activities Committee pertaining to the Region, I have included a few exerts from the reports distributed at the November 14 Regional Activities Board meeting in Chicago, IL. REGION 3 SUMMARY OF DELINQUENT SECTION/COUNCIL REPORTING MEETINGS, FINANCES AND OFFICERS (as of 24 Oct 2002) SECTION/COUNCIL DATE OF LAST ACTIVITY REPORTED 2001 MEETINGREPORTS 2001 FINANCIALREPORTS CURRENTOFFICER TERM DATES *CENTRAL SAVANNAH RIVER SECTION 2001 YES #NO DEC 2002 *TRICITIES SECTION 2001 YES #NO DEC 2002 NORTH CAROLINA COUNCIL N/A #NO DEC 2003 VIRGINIA COUNCIL N/A #NO DEC 2002 * INACTIVE SUBUNIT REPORT * Region R3 MEETINGS 1999 2000 2001 ALABAMA EM14 4 0 0 ATLANTA CAS04/SSC37 0 0 0 ATLANTA VT06 0 0 0 LOUISVILLE C16 2 0 0 VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN IA34 2 0 0 Account Signatures Non-Compliant for Region 3 Sections/Councils* Region Area NON-COMPLIANT 3 Southeastern USA 7 *Not necessarily Sections/Chapters, but Accounts within Sections/Chapters 2003 Region 3 Section Anniversaries Region Section Anniversary Date Anniversary Year 3 Huntsville 11 November 1953 50 3 Mobile 22 January 1953 50 Organizational Meetings ( aka: IEEE Board Series) To provide you with some idea of the magnitude of the meeting schedules for the IEEE Organizational Unit Meetings per year (3 per year normally), I have included my schedule for the November meeting. Monday, November 11, 2002 - Flights to Chicago for Board Series Tuesday, November 12, 2002 8am-5pm - RAB/TAB Synergy Meeting 6pm-10pm - RAB Assembly Meeting (includes dinner) Wednesday, November 13, 2002 8:30am-6pm - IEEE-USA Board of Directors Meeting 6pm-11pm - IEEE Assembly Meeting (includes dinner) Thursday, November 14, 2002 8am-5pm - RAB Meeting 6pm-10pm - RAB/TAB Directors Forum (includes dinner) Friday, November 15, 2002 8am-12n - RAB Strategic Planning Committee Meeting 1pm-5pm - RAB Region Directors Meeting 7pm-10pm - IEEE Presentation (includes dinner) Saturday, November 16, 2002 8am-5pm - IEEE Meeting and Caucus 7pm-9pm - IEEE Dinner Sunday, November 17, 2002 8am-5pm - IEEE Meeting and Caucus (continued from Saturday) Monday, November 18, 2002 8am-5pm - IEEE Director Orientation (all Directors requested to attend) Tuesday, November 19, 2002 - Flights home from Chicago