To: Region 3 Executive Committee, Region 3 Sections From: J. Patrick Donohoe, Region 3 Educational Activities Chair Subject: Educational Activities Report Date: 14 November 2002 The following goals were set by the Region 3 Educational Activities Committee (EAC) for 2002: (1) Increase the utilization of the Region 3 Lending Library materials by members of Region 3, (2) Develop ways for the Educational Activities Committee to provide enhanced support to Region 3 members in continuing education, especially in the area of professional development hours for PE license renewal, and (3) Ensure that companies in Region 3 are nominated for the Employer Professional Development Award in 2002. As more information has been collected concerning the most efficient way of delivering continuing education materials to Region 3 IEEE members, it has become obvious that the Region 3 Lending Library should be modernized into a Region 3 "Web Library" where members can access continuing education material in the form of books, CD-ROMs, videotapes, online courses, self study courses, and announcements for courses taught at conferences and symposia. IEEE has made a major stride toward this goal with the institution of the Education Partners program. This program provides IEEE members with discounted credit and non-credit courses, programs and products from quality education providers. More information on the Education Partners program can be found on the IEEE website at The Region 3 EAC plans to supplement those services offered by the Education Partners program with other web based providers to allow members of Region 3 to access a wide range of continuing education products and services on the Region 3 Web Library. The completion of this project will mean that both goals (1) and (2) have been met. With regard to goal (3), the Region 3 EAC has received one nomination for the Region 3 Employer Professional Development Award and is working to acquire at least one more nomination.