IEEE 3 ExCom E-Conf - November 20, 2002


DaveG>> is tonights agenda, it and related links are ...

DaveG>> being changed often, so if you have not done so recently "refresh" your ...

DaveG>> view. I, like Eric, had ISP problems today so I did not get everything that ...

DaveG>> came into onto the web and linked in -- sorry.

DaveG>> Welcome to the Fall caucus of the ExCom to for ...

DaveG>> under the leadership of Director Howard. ...

DaveG>> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...

DaveG>> facilitator. The purpose of this caucus is to discuss things ...

DaveG>> to prepare for an effective Region 3 ExCom in Knoxville this weekend...

DaveG>> this is a caucus so no official actions will be taken. ...

DaveG>> (Hi HaldenM)

HaldenM>> Hello Dave

DaveG>> Hi JimB

DaveG>> As I said a moment ago...

DaveG>> Our agenda is on the web at ...

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...

DaveG>> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...

DaveG>> So for example: Dave Green, Secretary / ECC ...

DaveG>> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now)

JimH>> Jim Howard, Region 3 Director

JohnT>> John Twitchell

don>> Don Hill, Conference

CharlesL>> Charles Lord, Leadership Development

BrianS>> Brian Skelton, Area 6 Chair, Opelika, AL

CharlesH>> Charles Hickman, Treasurer

MarkS_>> Makr Stokes, ECC Vice-Chair

JohnT>> John Twitchell, ARC

BillHarri>> Bill Harrison, Director Elect

ChipD>> Chip Dawson NC Council Chair, R3 Webmaster

Phillip>> Phillip Wilson, Vice Chair, Region 3

ButchS>> Butch Shadwell - Sections Congress Co-Coordinator Jacksonville Section Chair

Lee2>> Lee Stogner, R3 Membership Development, IEEE-USA VP PACE, SC Council Webmaster

DanJ>> Dan Jackson SC'02 Co-coordinator

BillR>> Bill Ratcliff, R3 Communications Committee

Eric>> Floida Council Chairman

DaveG>> (Hi dbower, please introduce yourself -- name, position)

HaldenM>> Halden Morris, Area 9 Chair, SoutheastCon 2003 Chair

JimB>> Jim Beall Southcon

DaveG>> (HI JohnP, please introduce yourself -- name, position)

SeanH>> Sean Haynes, Virginia Coucil Chair (Area 1)

dbower>> dbower...Reg 3 PIO; TN Council

JohnP>> Good evening. John Parr, Area 8 Chair

DickR>> Dick Riddle Past Director

DaveG>> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

DaveG>> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

DaveG>> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

DaveG>> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...

DaveG>> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...

DaveG>> will resume 'control'. ...

DaveG>> Again, the proposed agenda is located at ...


DaveG>> At this time, I would like to invite Director Howard to ...

DaveG>> make any comments he would like to... GA (Go Ahead) JimH.

DaveG>> (HI bwalcott, please introduce yourself -- name, position)

bwalcott>> Bruce Walcott, RSAC (Hi!!)

JimH>> I would like to welcome everyone to our caucus and to think them for taking the time to attend tonight. ...

JimH>> And I am looking forward to seeing you all in Knoxville, TN this coming Saturday - I understand it is COLD up there <G>.

DaveG>> Thanks Jim...

DaveG>> Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? (for totonight) Q/C?

DaveG>> (tonight)

BrianS>> c

DaveG>> GA BrianS

BrianS>> bring your snowshoes this weekend.

DaveG>> 10-4....

DaveG>> I would like at this time to call on BillHarri to report on Bob Duggan. GA BillHarri

BillHarri>> Kathleen Duggan called today to say Bob is in Crawford Long Hospital for tests...

BillHarri>> related to his heart. He will not be attending the meeting in Knoxville...

BillHarri>> Dick Riddle is planning to chair the SPC. Prayers for Bob, please.

DaveG>> 10-4. Thanks for the report BillHarri. Q/C?

DaveG>> First item on agenda. ... Review of Consent Agenda Items (any controversy?) Green

DaveG>> Consent agenda only has the distributed minutes and the receipt of the reports, ...

DaveG>> at this time, any q/c?

DaveG>> Review of action items submitted for "completeness"

DaveG>> - are more materials needed?

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> Ooops, I have a couple of items on consent that I think we would ...

DaveG>> prefer to have on action agenda (budget & plan)...

DaveG>> CharlesH: would you like to make any comments about the budget for ...

DaveG>> 2003?

CharlesH>> There is an error for account 4.81...

CharlesH>> It should be $10,000 rather than $1,000...

CharlesH>> I will try to answer questions.

DaveG>> Q/C?

CharlesL>> q

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> when is best timne to ask for changes - during committee reports or now?

DaveG>> JimH -> would you like to do them now ?

JimH>> I think it would be better if we can do them now.

DaveG>> OK, so CharlesL, I suspect you have a suggestion?

CharlesL>> yes, thanks...

CharlesL>> I have three budget modification requests, none reflect increases above 2002 levels...

CharlesL>> Line 4.23 Leadership Manuals from 0 to $500. (unspent funds from 2002 that I anticipate spending in '03)...

CharlesL>> Line 4.52 Conference Comm Special Project from 0 to $2500 (ditto)...

CharlesL>> Line 4.64 Area / Council Training Workshops from 1,000 to 3,000 (half 2002 budget)...

CharlesL>> All of these reflect training needs for R3; deleting these items signals no commitment to training in R3.

DaveG>> Q/C?

ButchS>> q

DaveG>> (I just fixed the "budget" dead link if you were looking on the web for the budget).

DaveG>> GA ButchS

ButchS>> Dave, can you remind us how to get into the password protected budget?

DaveG>> You would have to ask (now I have to remember to get it out of the logs <G>)...

DaveG>> userid: xxxxxxxxx password: xxxxxxxxx

DaveG>> Other q/C?

CharlesH>> q

DaveG>> CharlesH: do I have the right version up? I don't show ...

DaveG>> 1000 for item 4.81. GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> If other requests for budget changes are needed...

CharlesH>> please let me know by early tomorrow.

DaveG>> OK. Q/C?

BillR>> c

DaveG>> GA BillR

BillR>> There is some discussion about publishing...

BillR>> 2 hardcopy Newsletters next year so that account will ...

BillR>> probably require some changes ...

BillR>> probably won't know until discussed possibly in Knoxville.

Phillip>> c

DaveG>> GA Phillip

Phillip>> I would recommend discouraging hardcopy anything...

Phillip>> as I think we should stress electronic distribution and/or web posting.

DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?

DanJ>> c

BrianS>> c

JimH>> c

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> I have goofed and linked in the October 09 budget copy and not the one ...

DaveG>> Charles sent this afternoon. The one you should look at came in your...

DaveG>> e-mail this afternoon. Please look there to match up with the discussion...

DaveG>> sorry. GA DanJ

Robbie>> R0bbie

DanJ>> Does every Region 3 member have electronic access? Some may not.

DaveG>> Thanks. GA BrianS

DaveG>> GA BrianS

DaveG>> Guess he has gone for min...

DaveG>> GA JimH

BrianS>> More people read the hard copy. Many more. I know it is expensive, but if we want to communicate to our members, we need 2 hard copy newsletters per year.

DaveG>> thanks. Robbie, welcome, please introduce yourself (name, position)

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

Robbie>> Wilfred A. Roberts IP Area 9 /PACE Chair

DaveG>> (Thanks!)

don>> c

DaveG>> GA don

don>> Is there a compromise... print half the material twice a year?

DaveG>> <G>. Q/C?

DaveG>> BillR -> is there a number to plug into the budget as a holding number?

BillR>> The estimate was$15000 for one...

ChipD>> c

Phillip>> c

BillR>> since $10000 was spent...

BillR>> I would defer to Chip .

DaveG>> GA ChipD

ChipD>> A large portion of the cost is in the postage and prep for mailing not in printing...

BrianS>> c

ChipD>> by changeing the size of the printing will not cut the cost in half.

DaveG>> Thanks. GA Phillip

Phillip>> Would it be possible to allow members to choose their preferred method of receiving...

Phillip>> the newsletters? This would accomodate people who prefer/need hardcopy and geeks like me.

DaveG>> Thanks. GA BrianS

SeanH>> C

BrianS>> I don't remember the exact numbers, and I know JH and his friends did lots of the labeling, etc, but I think $15k is very excessive for one printing. The addresses can be stamped directly on the newsletter at the printer. If you let members choose, how will you get their answer? You at least get a chance at members reading something that comes to their mailbox. "Most" members will not sit down and read it at the computer.

DaveG>> OK. SeanS -- last word and we will let CommComm work on this.

SeanH>> Would it be appropriate to move to have this added to the discussion agenda?

DaveG>> Perhaps. Either that or off-line. Thanks.

DaveG>> Other budget items?

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> the second item on the action agenda is the strategic plan for 2003...

DaveG>> I don't believe it has been distributed yet ...

DaveG>> and of course committees should be working to produce their own ...

DaveG>> additional (complementary) goals for 2002. DickR -> do you ...

DaveG>> want to say anything on this now?

DickR>> Yes the draft is on the SPC website.

DickR>> c


DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> We would like any proposed changes ASAP but prior to the ...

DickR>> ExCom meeting.

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> Any Q/C at this point?

DaveG>> OK, please send input to DickR soonest with copy to Bob Duggan...

DaveG>> The third item on action agenda is ...

DaveG>> Approval of Review of Educational Activities Committee

DaveG>> Review Review Notes EAC Response to Review

ButchS>> C

DaveG>> DickR, would you like to say anything on behalf of the committee?

DaveG>> (Butch, I will come back to you in min)

DickR>> Ok...

DickR>> I think that Pat has responded to our review comments...

DaveG>> (Hi Roy, please introduce yourself and position)

DickR>> but I don't have Roy's notes glad to see he is now he.

DaveG>> (Hi Roy, please introduce yourself and position)

DaveG>> I guess he is having problems. Basically on the web are ...

DaveG>> Dicks comments, the review report and the EAC response to that ...

DaveG>> report. You (Excom members) will be asked to accept the ...

DaveG>> report at the meeting). Some good reading here. Q/C?

DaveG>> The last item on the action agenda is ...

ButchS>> Must drop off, not feeling well (sinus trouble). See you all in Knoxville. Sorry.

DaveG>> Sorry I did not get back to you and sorry that you are feeling bad. Please take care!

DaveG>> Any Q/C Butch before you go?

DaveG>> Good night ButchS, take care!

ButchS>> Not at this point, thanks.

Eric>> Sorry, my DSL is going down/up due to bad weather.

DaveG>> 10-4. ...

DaveG>> The last item on the action agenda is ...

DaveG>> a remote meetings project from the comm comm distributed by e-mail...

DaveG>> by Charles Lord this afternoon. CharlesL -> would you like to make ...

DaveG>> any comments about this?

CharlesL>> Please read the proposal - this is from Comm Comm as Dave said...

CharlesL>> is a copy you can read

CharlesL>> .

DaveG>> Thanks. Charles will not be able to join us in Knoxville so I believe that BillR...

DaveG>> will be presenting it there. If you have comments, if you can send them to...

DaveG>> BillR/CharlesL prior to the meeting, we can have a more ...

DaveG>> effective meeting in Knoxville. Q/C ?

DaveG>> That's all the action items I know of . Q/C?

DaveG>> There will be a special presentation by Kristina Coleman of IEEE staff on the new...

DaveG>> VIP program as part of the ExCom meeting. JimH would you like ...

DaveG>> to say anything about this? (I believe ExCom members got a snail mailing on this from IEEE). GA JimB

DaveG>> (oops JimH)

JimH>> Thanks dave ....

JimH>> The IEEE Foundation is working with R3 on a pilot program that Kristina will be ...

JimH>> presenting at the excom mtg. this presentation has already be done at the Florida ...

JimH>> coucil meeting and she got a lot of feedback on changes for the presentation at the fc mtg...

JimH>> the details of the project, along with some background, will be presented to the excom ...

JimH>> in Knoxville.

dbower>> c

DaveG>> GA dbower

dbower>> I received...

dbower>> the package by mail fr Karen Nowicki.

DaveG>> That's it... Karen works with Kristina.

DaveG>> (and I think will be there also. Kristina's home town is Knoxville).

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> The discussion agenda has ...

DaveG>> Sections Congress 2005 ...

DaveG>> the Winter ExCom meeting ...

DaveG>> and probably should have feedback from Sections Congress 2002...

DaveG>> anything else should be on discussion agenda?

DaveG>> Hearing none at present...

DaveG>> That moves to the information agenda...

DaveG>> but before I do that...

DaveG>> let's do an instant "report"...

DaveG>> please put in the day (Friday/Saturday) and the approx time...

DaveG>> that you expect to arrive in Knoxville. Do it now....

DaveG>> Friday 5pm

JohnT>> Friday night, approximately 6:00 PM

bwalcott>> Friday late

JimH>> Friday afternoon.

BillR>> Friday 5PM

CharlesL>> n/a :-(

CharlesH>> Friday, midday

JohnP>> Friday 6pm.

don>> fri 7pm

JimB>> Friday 4-5pm

ChipD>> Friday 2 PM

DickR>> Friday 4:00 PM

BillHarri>> Friday 6pm

SeanH>> Friday 9PM

dbower>> I live in Knoxville. So I'll be there.

DanJ>> 3:30-4:00 PM Friday by car

Lee2>> Lee, Friday 8:00 PM

Robbie>> n/a

Phillip>> Friday early evening ~6-7, by car

HaldenM>> Friday 4 - 5 pm

BrianS>> Friday NIGHT

DaveG>> OK, so one would note that those attending ...

DaveG>> will be there Friday sometime and available for Saturday morning ...

DaveG>> meetings, ...

DaveG>> we plan a general welcome (all hands) followed by committee meetings...

DaveG>> I have heard that SPC, FinCom, and MDC wish to meet. We have ...

DaveG>> three rooms so we can have some concurrent meetings if needed...

DaveG>> what other committees wish/plan to meet?

SeanH>> C

DaveG>> GA SeanH

DanJ>> c

SeanH>> I would like to have a short PAOC meeting.

DaveG>> OK. GA DanJ

DanJ>> I believe SPC is planning a Friday night meeting. Dick Riddle should confirm.

BillR>> c

DaveG>> Yes, SPC is meeting on Friday night chaired by Vice Chair Riddle. GA BillR

BillR>> The Communications Committee is planning to ...

don>> c

BillR>> attend the other committee meetings sas per my e-mail today and therefore won't need a meeting room.

DaveG>> OK. GA don

don>> Conference Comm would like to meet.

DaveG>> OK. Others?

bwalcott>> c

Lee2>> Membership Development would like to meet

DaveG>> GA bwalcott

DaveG>> (lee2 noted)

bwalcott>> SAC needs to train our new RSR on STLWs

bwalcott>> no formal room needed

DaveG>> <G> 10-4.

DaveG>> OK, I will work on a meeting schedule and post it to the web based on...

DaveG>> this feedback and chairs should consider distributing agendas bye e-mail ...

DaveG>> so you can have effective meetings in limited time. Q/C?

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> Information items, thank all who sent in reports and for those ...

DaveG>> who did not, I will link them in as soon as I receive them...

DaveG>> having the electronic reports is important as it improves the effectiveness...

DaveG>> of our meetings by letting member prepare for the meeting and ...

DaveG>> provides an archive of our efforts. ...

DaveG>> Let us proceed quickly through the Information Agenda, if you ...

DaveG>> you have no comments beyond what you have said in the supplied report ...

DaveG>> please just hit 'N' when I call on you and members if you have questions ...

DaveG>> about the written report enter 'Q' or 'C' when I mention the report.

DaveG>> Director's report -- GA JimH

JimH>> Please be sure to look over my report as you have time.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Director Elect (Vice Chair) report -- BillHarri

BillHarri>> n

DaveG>> q/c?

DaveG>> . Secretary's Report -- DaveG, N Q/C?

DaveG>> Treasurer's Report -- CharlesH

CharlesH>> No, 2002 numbers on proposed 2003 budget.

DaveG>> 10-4. Q/C?

DaveG>> Past Director -- DickR

DickR>> N

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Awards & Recognition -- JohnT

JohnT>> December 1 is fast approaching, Pat, Don, and I want to hear from the Sections....N

DaveG>> Thanks, Q/C?

DaveG>> . Communications -- BillR

BillR>> I hope everyone saw the e-mail with the addition to the Communications Committee Report I sent today....

BillR>> We are asking each committee Chair to rrnadd a few minutes to your committee's rrnagenda on Saturday morning, if your rrncommittee is planning to meet, to rrnexplore the following questions…

BillR>> What do you need from the rrnCommunications Committee to better rrnutilize e-conferencing?...

BillR>> What support do you need for your web rrnsite?...

BillR>> hat material can your committee supply rrnfor the Newsletter ( electronic and rrnhardcopy)?...

BillR>> If your Committee is not meeting we rrnwould still like to discuss your rrncommunications needs ....

BillR>> The Communications Committee will then rrncompile the results of the discussions rrnand present the objectives and rrnassociate projects in January.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> - Archive Q/C?

DaveG>> . - Electronic Communications DaveG ...

DaveG>> thanks to MarkS and BrianSwail for helping me so ably this year. Q/C?

DaveG>> - Newsletter - Q/C?

DaveG>> - Public Information -- dbower

dbower>> dbower,N

DaveG>> Thanks Q/C?

DaveG>> - Webmaster -- ChipD

ChipD>> n

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Conferences -- don

don>> no further comments

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> - SoutheastCon 2003 -- HaldenM

HaldenM>> c

HaldenM>> would like feedback re student sections attendance...

bwalcott>> c

HaldenM>> at southeastcon 03

DaveG>> Thanks. GA bwalcott

bwalcott>> We are trying to poll the most active schools

bwalcott>> to determine how many

bwalcott>> are coming

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

HaldenM>> thanks

DaveG>> - SoutheastCon 2004 -- ChipD

HaldenM>> c

ChipD>> n

DaveG>> GA HaldenM

HaldenM>> no feedback re...

HaldenM>> preconference golf tournament as yet

DaveG>> 10-4. Q/C?

DaveG>> Q/C on 2004?

DaveG>> - Southcon -- JimB, DickR

JimB>> no

DickR>> no

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> . - Huntsville RADARCON Q/C?

DaveG>> Southeastcon Support Committee -- CharlesL

CharlesL>> combined report was mailed out today - N

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Special Project (Training) Report -- CharlesL

CharlesL>> combined report was mailed out today - N

DaveG>> Thought so but I decided to list... Q/C?

CharlesL>> <g>

DaveG>> Educational Activity -- report posted. Q/C?

Eric>> I am not sure if you recived this, but my DSL connection link is blinking yellow and I have lost connection. See you Friday - Everyone have a safe trip - Eric.

DaveG>> Finance Committee -- CharlesH

CharlesH>> We will meet Saturday morning.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DickR>> What time?

DaveG>> 7am?

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> yes

DaveG>> Membership Development -- Lee2

Lee2>> Let's sign up some Senior Members this weekend in Knoxville and help me find Section MD Reps.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Professional Activities Operations Comm. -- SeanH

SeanH>> N

DaveG>> Thanks Q/C?

DaveG>> - PACE -- Q/C?

DaveG>> . - USAB Employment Assistance -- Q/C?

DaveG>> Nominations & Appointments -- DickR

DickR>> N

DaveG>> Thanks Q/C?

DaveG>> Strategic Planning-- DickR for BobD

DickR>> N

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Student Activities -- bwalcott

bwalcott>> Please be sure to welcome Trish Davis to the R3 Exommm - no other comments

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 1/Virginia Council -- SeanH

DaveG>> Area 1/Virginia Council -- SeanH

DaveG>> Guess he stepped away...

DaveG>> Area 2/NC Council -- ChipD

ChipD>> n

DaveG>> thanks Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 3 -- q/c?

SeanH>> C

DaveG>> GA SeanH

SeanH>> Stepped away briefly. I just e-mailed report.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 4/Florida Council -- Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 5/Tennessee Council -- dbower

dbower>> dbower, N

DaveG>> Thanks . Q/C?

Phillip>> Chris Hardy, Region 3 chair can't make the meeing - work conflict. I'll be there - N

DaveG>> Thanks Phillip -- sorry for not callilng on you as Vice Chair...

DaveG>> any q/c for Phillip?

DaveG>> Phillip we look forward to seeing you there. ...

DaveG>> Area 6 -- BrianS

BrianS>> N

DaveG>> Thanks ... Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 7/SC Council -- Q/C?

DaveG>> Area 8 -- JohnP

JohnP>> There is an error in my report. I discovered today that the Louisville Section is delinquent on at least one report.

DaveG>> thanks, would you like to send a replacement for the web?

JohnP>> yes, I'll send one tomorrow.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> . Area 9 -- HaldenM

HaldenM>> n

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Ad Hoc Committee Reports ...

DaveG>> Corporate Communications -- BillHarri

BillHarri>> n

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> E-Conferencing -- BillR

BillR>> N

DaveG>> Thanks, Q/C?

DaveG>> Gold Representative -- q/c/

DaveG>> q/c?

DaveG>> History -- q/c?

DaveG>> Leadership Development -- CharlesL

CharlesL>> Well educated, equipped, and motivated volunteers and leaders in all committees, areas, councils, and sections...

CharlesL>> will make IEEE members in R3 more successful, happy, and satisfied. The converse, unfortunately, is also true...

CharlesL>> I will want you to talk with your respective groups this weekend how you can make fruitful use of this resource!

DaveG>> thanks, q/c?

DaveG>> Regional Life Member Coordinator -- q/c?

DaveG>> Section/Chapter Coordination -- BillHarri

BillHarri>> n

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> 2002 Sections Congress -- DanJ (w/ ButchS)

DanJ>> N

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> Special Projects -- Q/C?

DaveG>> Special Review Committee -- roy

DaveG>> He says no .. Q/C?

DaveG>> That completes the Information agenda...

DaveG>> Are there other items for tonight?

CharlesH>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> We are planning an excellent dinner Saturday night...

DaveG>> (Hi George, please introduce yourself with name and position)

BrianS>> q

CharlesH>> at the Regas Restaurant. Hope all of you and your...

CharlesH>> partner plan to attend.

George>> George McClure, PACE Coordinator, finally on thanks to Bill Ratcliff.

DaveG>> Thanks CharlesH and George. GA BrianS

Phillip>> q

JohnT>> q

BrianS>> what's on the menu? no - doesn't matter - Everything at Regas is outstanding.

DaveG>> <G> GA Phillip

BrianS>> who do we need to tell the numbers for Sat nights dinner?

Phillip>> dumb question: what is the dress code for the conference? Jeans OK??

DaveG>> MPS did a poll for dinner on Saturday night, let us know changes (DaveG, JimH)...

DaveG>> JimH: do you want to speak to dress code?

JimH>> sure ...

JimH>> jeans are ok for the mtg. CharlesH can tell us about the dinner on Sat night - charlesH?

CharlesH>> Casual is fine.

BrianS>> c

DaveG>> Thanks. We are set up for 7pm -- right CharlesH?

DaveG>> (I will look and post if you want)

CharlesH>> I had 6:30, but we can change to 7:00 if better.

DaveG>> I think 6:30pm is fine....

DaveG>> (if that is what we have scheduled). GA JohnT

JohnT>> For Charles H...when do you need to know if we are bringing a date to the Regas?

CharlesH>> We will get an updated count on Saturday.

DaveG>> BillR has suggested 7pm would be more convenient for him...

CharlesH>> c

DaveG>> is there a problem moving to 7pm? We are not planning to have...

DaveG>> meeting afterwards. GA CharlesH

CharlesH>> I will contact Mary Shaver at Regas and change to 7:00.

DaveG>> Thanks. GA BrianS

BrianS>> the last time I went to Regas, I didn't remember any jeans.. khakis would be fine.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DickR>> what time does the Bar open?

DaveG>> <G> sounds like research will be needed.

BrianS>> we'll get it to open EARLY for you Dick!!

DaveG>> Other business for tonight?

DickR>> 10-44

DaveG>> JimH, would you please close the meeting?

JimH>> Sure ...

JimH>> First, let me think each of you for attending tonight. ...

JimH>> also, thanks to all those that have submitted their reports. If you have not gotten yours in, please do so asap. I will be asking Bill Harrison to follow up with everyone to make sure we have a archive of the reports on the web. Also, so no one is caught off guard, I will be asking each of the Committee Chairs and Area Chairs to give a 3 to 5 min (max) update on their work last year, what they accomplished, and what goals they have planned f

DaveG>> Thanks Jim. Q/C?

George>> q

DaveG>> GA George

George>> If there is time, I want to talk about H-1B again. I have a PowerPoint presentation. Will a LCD projector be available?

DaveG>> Assuming it is OK with JimH, we will add to discussion agenda. We will have...

DaveG>> LCD projector there. ...

George>> Okay.

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

DaveG>> JimH -> I believe we are done to resume in Knoxville -- Right?

JimH>> that is correct. Everyone have a great night and a safe trip. See you there. Jim.

ChipD>> bye

DaveG>> Thanks everyone, have a safe trip and we will see you in Knoxville.

David Green
Last modified: Sun Jan 5 19:45:24 CST 2003