Report to the Region 3 Excom Leadership Development Chair One of the issues brought up by Region 3 section leaders, leadership development needs to be an integral part of all parts of the Region. All aspects of the Excom can benefit from training in IEEE operations, professional / leadership skills, and project management - including all committees, areas, councils, and sections. I have been working with other trainers and leaders within the IEEE and the professional training arena to gather materials and other resources to carry this out. All we need is to get "around to it." Along with retreats and training sessions in areas and councils, I would like to propose a leadership / strategic planning retreat for the R3 Excom in the near future. With all of the other activities involved, SoutheastCon would not be the best venue. I would propose the use of one of the other face-to-face meetings of 2003 to carry this out. 2002 Report: After getting off to a great start at SoutheastCon in April, not much has happened with leadership development in R3. The goals I set for 2002: * Get Area / Council chairs involved in LD efforts I have offered to all of the area and council chairs to present LD workshops or retreats. The only response I have received was from Area 9 (Jamaica) and I have scheduled a workshop for them to coincide with SoutheastCon 2003. I am still available and happy to provide workshops or retreats. * Organize and carry out 1-2 workshops or retreats This is covered above * Organize and populate the R3 LD website with materials This is on hold due to some re-writes of materials. It should be done before the end of 2002. * Carry out LD training at SoutheastCon Done. A module that I developed for training sections for organizing and running conferences, based on the presentation I did at Columbia at SoutheastCon 2002, was presented at Sections Congress 2002. Again, I encourage Region 3 leaders to take advantage of our resources to develop our new leaders at all levels. Charles J. Lord, PE, CQMgr