Region 3 Public Information Officer Report Submitted by David Bower ( The first phase of the PIO initiative is almost completed. This will involve communicating to sections the need to use available print and broadcast media to promote and "advertise" local section meetings and other activities. I've attended several IEEE meetings (including the PACE meeting in Richardson, Texas) to organize the effort. I've also communicated with Headquarters both by e-mail and telephone regarding their recommendations. The plan is to communicate the process in an article for the Region 3 Newsletter with recommendations for preparing a news release for submittal to both print and broadcast media. The basic concept will be to keep the news release simple and to the point, and target IEEE members, non-members, students and the general public. Improving meeting attendance would be a primary goal, with the opportunity to both get new IEEE members, and to encourage students to pursue an engineering career. With many sections using electronic notices and newsletters, this should help fill the void for those not able to receive information electronically, and will help serve as a "tickler" to remind IEEE members concerning meetings and other area activities. Further, print and broadcast media notices are "free" and can help defer advertising and printed newsletter cost factors.