Proposal Remote Meetings Project Three basic needs have been identified that can be met by a single development project. This is an opportunity to fill needs of both the Region 3 Excom and our sections' membership. The needs: * We currently have small, remote groups of members in Region 3 that are inactive due to a challenge to find speakers and presentations * We have speakers who are willing and able to present timely presentations to sections and chapters but cannot travel to the sections to make the presentations in person * We have Excom members that are not able to attend live meetings due to travel restrictions or time / financial shortcomings and need to participate in the meetings or even make presentations at that meeting. One pressing example will be at the meeting in Jamaica in April 2003. The proposed solution: In view of the needs expressed above, we are proposing the investigation of a practical means for delivering live IEEE meetings (technical or profes sional lecture-style meetings and discussions) to remote members. The needs are (minimum set): Presenter to remote participants: Audio (lecture) Application sharing / control (e.g. PowerPoint) Participants to Presenter: text "chat" (for questions) Options if available would include audio back to the presenter from participants, whiteboard (2-way if possible). Per the current e-conf philosophy and methodologies in R3, we wish to keep costs down, using free, shareware, or group licensed software (particularly at the participant level). We are not opposed to technologies that require the purchase of server software that can be installed on IEEE servers. Phase I is a feasibility study. We intend to test the viability of commercial packages such as NetMeeting and CU-SeeMe and other served systems on "guest" servers to determine the suitability of the packages using typical connections (dialup, DSL/Cable, and direct). We propose using these methods, once tested by the committee, for remote meetings in the Eastern NC Section for its two inactive subsections as part of a rejuvenation program. Once these tests are completed, a proposal will be presented by January 2003 for a Phase II, anticipated to include funding for any server software deemed necessary for continued development. Costs: Web cameras for test computers $300 Software (CU-SeeMe for test computers) $300 Audio upgrades for test computers $200 Possible commercial server fees for testing $400 Temporary accounts (cable / DSL - if needed, or hotel ISP hookup) for test locations $500 Local travel as needed for testing $300 Total maximum cost for project: $2000 Phase I to be completed with full report and recommendations for further development (if warranted) by SoutheastCon 2003. Charles J. Lord, PE, CQMgr