SoutheastCon Support Committee Report Registration Support: Progress continues on providing registration support for upcoming SoutheastCons. We are in the process of setting up a US-based CBA for 2003 and setting up the on-line registration page. Plans are to have everything set up (including credit card processing) by December 15. As the conference is being run from a Jamaica-based bank account, all US advance registrations will go through the CBA, which will be swept regularly for transfer to the Jamaican account. Thanks in advance for Mark Stokes' hard work to support this effort. Preparation for 2004 is already underway. I have agreed to serve as Registration Chair for the 2004 conference. Conference Training: The updated version of my conferences training module was presented at Sections Congress 2002. It was very well received. I will be offering a R3-specific version of this (targeting SoutheastCon). I offer a discussion item for the Excom to determine the need for a specific training session for early 2003 to prepare interested section leaders for presenting 2005 and beyond proposals at the 2003 conference in Ocho Rios. Charles J. Lord, PE, CQMgr